769 datasets found

Keywords: molecular clouds

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  • Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy

    This Catalog of Star-Forming Regions in the Galaxy contains coordinates and fluxes of young objects in the radio and infrared, as well as data on the radial velocities of...
  • Catalog of Infrared Dark Clouds

    The field of computer vision has greatly matured in the past decade, and many of the methods and techniques can be useful for astronomical applications. One example is in...
  • L1482 filament cores

    We measured the trigonometric parallax of the H_2_O maser source associated with the L1482 molecular filament hosting the most massive young star, LkH{alpha} 101, in the...
  • Near-infrared survey of bright rimmed clouds

    We conducted wide-field near-infrared imaging observations of 32 bright rimmed clouds (BRCs). Given a detection limit of 17.7mag at the K-band, we identified 2099 objects as...
  • CO clouds in the Galactic Center from NANTEN

    In order to better understand molecular clouds and their properties toward the Galactic center region, we have analyzed the NANTEN database of ^12^CO (J=1-0) and ^13^CO (J=1-0)...
  • Faint companions around YSOs in TMC

    We have conducted near-infrared spectroscopy of 26 faint objects around young stellar objects in the Taurus molecular cloud. These objects were detected during a course of...
  • CO molecular clouds in Carina flare supershell

    We present a catalogue of ^12^CO(J=1-0) and ^13^CO(J=1-0) molecular clouds in the spatio-velocity range of the Carina Flare supershell, GSH287+04-17. The data cover a region of...
  • JHK photometry of low-mass stars in BRC 14

    We carried out a deep near-infrared survey of a bright-rimmed molecular cloud, BRC 14 (IC 1848A). The 10{sigma} limiting magnitude of the survey is 17.7mag at the K-band....
  • CO molecular clouds in southern Galactic Warp

    We made an unbiased search for molecular clouds in the Galactic Warp. This survey, covering an area of 56 square degrees at l=252{deg} to 266{deg} and b=-5{deg} to -1{deg},...
  • 13CO survey of Mon & CMa molecular clouds

    Through a large-scale 13^CO (J=1-0) survey toward a region in Monoceros and Canis Major, we have identified in total 115 clouds. Cone search capability for table...
  • Chandra observations of Monoceros R2

    We report on the results of the Chandra ACIS-I observation on the central region of the Monoceros R2 cloud (Mon R2), a high-mass star-forming region (SFR) at a distance of...
  • CO catalog of LMC molecular clouds

    From a ^12^CO (J=1-0) survey with the NANTEN telescope, we present a complete catalog of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In total, 107 CO clouds...
  • Molecular clouds in southern HII regions

    We have carried out extensive ^13^CO(J=1-0) observations toward 23 southern H II regions associated with bright-rimmed clouds. In total, 95 molecular clouds have been identified...
  • M120.1+3.0 molecular cloud CO observations

    We present large-scale (2{deg}x2{deg}) observations toward the molecular cloud M120.1+3.0, using ^12^CO, ^13^CO and C^18^O (J=1-0) data from the Purple Mountain Observatory...
  • Molecular Clumps & Cores with Infall Signatures

    The research of infall motion is a common means to study molecular cloud dynamics and the early process of star formation. Many works had been done in-depth research on infall....
  • YSOs in GRSMC 045.49+00.04 from IR obs.

    Understanding the characteristics of young stellar populations is essential for deriving insights into star formation processes within parent molecular clouds and the influence...
  • High-mass star forming clumps from MALT90

    A total of 197 relatively isolated high-mass star-forming clumps were selected from the Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team 90GHz (MALT90) survey data and their global chemical...
  • NGTS clusters survey. IV.

    The dipper is a novel class of young stellar object associated with large drops in flux on the order of 10-50 per cent lasting for hours to days. Too significant to arise from...
  • Magnetic field of L1495/B211

    We present the stability analysis of two regions, OMC-3 and OMC-4, in the massive and long molecular cloud complex of Orion A. We obtained 214um HAWC+/SOFIA polarization data,...
  • ATOMS IV Gas clumps properties and SFRs

    We report the detection of radio recombination line (RRL) H_40{alpha} towards 75 sources, with data obtained from ACA (Atacama Compact 7 m Array) observations in the ATOMS (ALMA...
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