Study of multiple magnetic ordering transitions in Ce3Ir4Sn13 using µSR
The cubic compound Ce3Ir4Sn13 shows complex step-like magnetic ordering at 2.1K and 0.6K in the heat capacity (also at 2.18K) and Hall effect. The 2.1K transition is furthermore... -
Small angle neutron scattering experiment of a novel pH and temperature sensi...
The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of different stimuli on a novel iron oxide core shell nanoparticles. The system is composed of a magnetite core with a... -
Antiferromagnetic domain manipulation in hematite thin films studied by neutr...
We propose to study the antiferromagnetic (AFM) domain structure of 100 nm thick Fe2O3 thin films using WISH. The sample will be magnetically poled to prepare an imbalance in... -
Relating plastic deformation to angle dependent IGS for multiple hkl peaks
For some engineering purposes like welding or SCC where IGS (Inter Granular Stresses) increase susceptibility to cracking, some indicator of the level of plastic deformation... -
Kinetics of Muoniated Radicals Studied With Radio Frequency Muon Spin Resonance
Radio-frequency muon spin resonance is a powerful technique for studying free radicals and their reaction kinetics, but it has not yet been used to study complex reactions in...