Image Set: Iconography of Venus from the Middle Ages to Modern Times
The image set is subdivided in nine .zip files according to the first digit of the image id (Ref No in the CSV-files or Ref R in the pdf catalogues) and contains in total 25,682... -
Artworks of non-European artists
Thematic Research Collection of 1343 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) by non-European artists. ArtWorks-The Art Organizer,... -
Collaboratorium Theatrum Mythologicum
This dataset consists of four files on mythological themes. The main file concerns 25 mythological themes from the Metamorphoses by Ovid. The file 'gedichten' gives information... -
Image Set: Iconography of Venus from the Middle Ages to Modern Times
The image set is subdivided in nine .zip files according to the first digit of the image id (Ref No in the CSV-files or Ref R in the pdf catalogues) and contains in total 25,682... -
Artworks of non-European artists
Thematic Research Collection of 1343 artworks (sculptures, reliefs, paintings, frescoes, drawings, prints and illustrations) by non-European artists. ArtWorks-The Art Organizer,...