(Table T4) Concentrations of quantified biomarker lipids and compound indices...
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Accumulation rates of plant-wax-derived long-chain C25 to C35 odd-numbered n-...
The dominant forcing factors for past large-scale changes in vegetation are widely debated. Changes in the distribution of C4 plants-adapted to warm, dry conditions and low... -
(Table 2) Location of marine sediment samples along the eastern Italian shelf...
MV: mean value.SD: standard deviation.Sediment samples represent the top 2 cm. -
n-Alkane isotopic composition and distribution of sediment core GeoB20623-1
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Results of organic and inorganic geochemical analysis, as well as pollen Coun...
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n-alkane biomarker analyses of sediment core MD05-2905
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n-alkane biomarker of sediment core GeoB16601-5
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Stable carbon isotopic analyses of n-alkanes and the calculated C4 plant-deri...
Atmospheric dust samples collected along a transect off the West African coast have been investigated for their lipid content and compound-specific stable carbon isotope... -
Organic geochemical measurements of sediment core GeoB20616-1
Climate sensitive organic proxies, like the distribution and isotopic composition of plant-wax lipids provide information on climatic changes in the catchment areas of the... -
Organic geochemistry of surface sediment samples from southeast Africa
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(Table 1) n-Alkane concentrations in dried sediment, carbon preference index ...
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Biomarker of sediment core GeoB 20610-2
To constrain the variability and the drivers of past climate, we explore vegetation (C3/C4) and hydrological change using stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes of plant-waxes in... -
Biomarker of sediment core GeoB18308-1
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Biomarker of samples from the Gouritz River catchment
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Latest Pleistocene-Holocene n-alkane data from an alpine lake, Laguna de Río ...
This dataset contains the n-alkane data from a sedimentary record of an alpine lake (Laguna de Río Seco -LdRS-) located at 3020 masl in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain). This... -
Lipids and stable isotopes of a sediment core from Lake Tislit
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Concentrations of long-chain n-alkanes, CPI values and compound-specific stab...
CPI25-33 = 0.5 * (SCodd27-33/SCeven26-32 + SCodd27-33/SCeven28-34); *corrected for global ice volume changes using data from Bintanja et al. (2005); SD is standard deviation of... -
Plant-waxes hydrogen and carbon isotopic composition of sediment core B14, La...
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(Table 1) CPI, ACL, ratio between n-C31 and n-C29 alkane, concentration of su...
MV: mean value.SD: standard deviation.AM: anual mean.OIPC: Data from Online Isotope in Precipitation Calculator (OIPC), http://wateriso.eas.purdue.edu/waterisotopes/These...