Research and raw data to publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2025.113726 -
Effect of residual stress and microstructure on mechanical properties of sput...
The combination of the high wear resistance and mechanical strength of W with the high thermal conductivity of Cu makes the Cu/W system an attractive candidate material for heat... -
Research and raw data to publication: (to be filled later when DOI is avialable) -
Data publication: Microstructure-informed prediction of hardening in ion-irra...
Mainly the original data for model establishment. -
Data publication: Nanoindentation response of ion-irradiated Fe, Fe-Cr alloys...
The dataset consists of inputs from ion irradiation experiments, nanoindentation and empirical modeling results for Fe (G379), ferrritic Fe-9Cr (G385), martensitic Fe-9Cr... -
Research and raw data to publication: Bruns S, Minnert C, Pethö L, Michler J, Durst K. Room Temperature Viscous Flow of Amorphous Silica Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation....