Spårämnesdata (Mn/Ca, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca) från den bottenlevande foraminiferarten N...
Dataset of Mn/Ca, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of the three most-recently formed chambers (n, n-1 and n-2) of Nonionella stella (CTG-labelled) acquired by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 935 g...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - 746 o...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Norma...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Miljö...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Olika mönster mellan genetisk variation och lokal anpassning hos tall - Resul...
In this study, we sampled 54 Scots pine populations from the Norwegian coast over the Arctic Circle to western Russia covering 47.3 longitudes or more than 1/8th of the earth’s... -
Data för: Historiska floraböcker speglar förändringar i blomningens fenologi ...
The data set contains months of flowering from 11 guides to the Swedish flora published over a period of 220 years (1798-2018), focussing on 241 plant species (approximately 8%... -
Datauppsättning för forskningsartikel: Autumn destabilization of deep porewat...
This dataset has been collected to investigate dynamics in peat porewater CO2 concentration at Degerö Stormyr, Sweden. It contains hourly measurements of porewater CO2... -
Spårämnesdata (Ba/Ca) från bottenlevande foraminiferer, provtagna i ytsedimen...
Dataset of Ba/Ca in Bulimina marginata and Nonionellina labradorica (CTG-labelled) acquired by Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (LA ICP MS; Department of... -
Gasmätningar utförda under fältkampanj ABOVE vid Manam vulkanen, Papua Nya Gu...
This dataset presents measurements conducted during the ABOVE (Aerial-based Observations of Volcanic Emissions) field campaign at Manam volcano, Papua New Guinea, during May... -
Data till den vetenskapliga artikeln "Evaluating created wetlands for bird di...
The conducted study was done in order to investigate what habitat characteristics could explain breeding wetland bird diversity and reproductive success in created wetlands in... -
Ökad bentisk produktion av kvävedioxid och ammonium efter naturlig syresättni...
In this study, we describe the long-term impact of a natural oxygenation event on the fate of fixed nitrogen in the sediment. We investigated whether the newly oxygenated... -
Analys av flyktiga organiska ämnen för tidig detektion av Fusarium circinatum
Fusarium circinatum, a fungal pathogen deadly to many Pinus species, can cause significant economic and ecological losses, especially if it were to become more widely... -
Data från: Kalla vintrar driver konsekventa och rumsligt synkrona 8-åriga pop...
The data contain information on the number of cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) larva in winter oilseed rape plants in southern Sweden 1968-2018. A monitoring... -
Data om hur regionalt klimat påverkar habitatföreningar och termiska summor s...
The data was collected for the publication "Regional climate affects habitat associations and thermal sums required for development of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips... -
Populationsdynamik i växthusexperiment av bladlöss och deras rovdjur
The data was collected to determine the role of habitat use and non-trophic predator-predator interactions on food-web dynamics. We developed four dynamic food-web models - with... -
Begränsad tillväxt av fjällbjörkplantor över årtionden har liten inverkan på ...
The study addresses two important issues in arctic treeline dynamics: • How do birch saplings, being the dominant treeline species, that have been established above treeline... -
Inventeringsdata för fåglar, mossor, lavar och kärlväxter från 40 tall- och g...
The aim of the data collection was to examine differences in biodiversity between two different age classes of production forest stands. Surveys were conducted between 2016-2017... -
Förekomstdata på lunglav (Lobaria pulmonaria), på dess värdträd asp (Populus ...
This data archive contains data used in the study by Fabritius et al. (2019): Estimation of metapopulation colonization rates from disturbance history and occurrence pattern... -
Svenskt historiskt fenologidataset
The dataset contains reports of phenological observations, made at more than 700 locations throughout Sweden between 1865 and 1951. The observations were mainly conducted by...