NCSE v2.0: A Dataset of OCR-Processed 19th Century English Newspapers
NCSE v2.0 Dataset RepositoryThis repository contains the NCSE v2.0 dataset and associated supporting data used in the paper "Reading the unreadable: Creating a dataset of 19th... -
Transcribed newspaper articles from the NCSE collection
CLOCR-C: Transcribed newspaper articles from the NCSE collection This dataset contains 91 pairs of newspaper articles from the Nineteenth Century Serials Edition (NCSE). The... -
Migration in journalistic reporting, 2020
Raziskava preučuje pojavnost in reprodukcijo populističnega ter afektivnega komuniciranja v interpretativnem žanru časopisnega komentarja dveh izbranih dnevnih časopisov, Dela... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2002/2
Tokratna raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, ki poteka v 21 državah in katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava osredotoča predvsem... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2004/2
Tokratna raziskava je del vseevropskega projekta, ki bo potekal predvidoma v 25 državah in katerega namen je beleženje družbenih sprememb skozi čas. Tematsko se raziskava... -
Elämäni mediat ja yksi päivä mediaa 2021
Aineisto koostuu päiväkirjateksteistä, joissa kirjoittajia pyydettiin kuvaamaan, miten he käyttivät mediaa keskiviikkona 10.3.2021. Lisäksi kirjoittajat kertovat kokemuksiaan... -
Suomenruotsalainen barometri B5/2021
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomenruotsalaisten uutisten ja median kulutusta sekä luottamusta eri tiedotusvälineisiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin näkemyksiä korruptiosta. Aineisto on... -
Novinarstvo tiskovne agencije Tanjug v obdobju socialistične Jugoslavije, 2017
Vloga novinarstva v družbi je zgodovinsko vezana na prevladujočo konceptualizacijo svobode tiska ter specifične družbene, institucionalne in materialne pogoje produkcije novic.... -
Korona-aiheinen uutisointi Helsingin Sanomissa, Asahi Shimbunissa ja Dagens N...
Aineisto koostuu Helsingin Sanomien artikkeleista, jotka käsittelivät koronavirukseen liittyvää lääke- ja luonnontieteellistä tietoa tai asiantuntijalausuntoja pandemian... -
Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0023
De geïnterviewde werd in 1926 geboren in Rotterdam. Gedurende de bezetting heeft hij circa twee weken gewerkt in loods 24. Dit was een verzamelpunt voor Joden uit Rotterdam en... -
PIDIMEHS: Pillarization and depillarization tested in digitized media histori...
PIDIMEHS is a pilot study in an interdisciplinary project combining historical and political communication research with data mining and visualization techniques to analyse and... -
KBK-1M - Koninklijke Bibliotheek Kranten – 1 Miljoen
The KBK-1M Dataset (‘Koninklijke Bibliotheek Kranten – 1 Miljoen’) is a collection of 1,603,396 images and accompanying captions of the period 1922 – 1994. We extracted the... -
Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0010
De geïnterviewde werd op 7 februari 1914 geboren in Leiden. Gedurende de oorlog was hij politieagent. In deze functie is hij betrokken geweest bij het ophalen van een joods... -
Scrambled text: training Language Models to correct OCR errors using syntheti...
This data repository contains the key datasets required to reproduce the paper "Scrambled text: training Language Models to correct OCR errors using synthetic data". In addition... -
Sweden : Bibliographical database of Swedish journalism and media research re...
The dataset is produced within the framework of the HORIZON 2020 project called MEDIADELCOM (Critical Exploration of Media Related Risks and Opportunities for Deliberative... -
Svensk opinion 1979
This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information... -
Dagspressjournalister och utrikesinformationen 1974/1975
This study is a part of a research project about trials to spread information on developing countries through multimedia (see SND 0146). The purpose of this survey was to... -
Medievalundersökningen 1979 - Nyhetsanalysen
This study of the political contents in press, radio and television was carried out within the research projects 'Mass media and the electorate' and 'Swedish election campaign'... -
Medievalundersökningen folkomröstningen 1980 - Nyhetsanalysen
This is the second study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´... -
Medievalundersökningen 1982 - Nyhetsanalysen
This is the third study of the political contents in press, radio and television within the research projects ´Mass media and the electorate´ and ´Swedish election campaign´ and...