Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Profiles of Disco Bay: High-Resolution Nitrog...
This dataset presents high-resolution profiles of hydrographic and biogeochemical parameters, alongside results from incubation experiments and discrete measurements conducted... -
Hydrographic and Biogeochemical Profiles of Disco Bay: High-Resolution CTD Me...
This dataset presents high-resolution profiles of hydrographic and biogeochemical parameters, alongside results from incubation experiments and discrete measurements conducted... -
Incubation experiments characterizing nitrate reduction in the water column o...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Incubation experiments characterizing nitrate reduction in the water column o...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Incubation experiments with 15N-tracers in the water column of the Lake Lugan...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Characteristics of the water column of the North Basin of Lake Lugano, Switze...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Profiles of N, Fe, Mn and S compounds - concentrations and isotopes in the wa...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Physicochemical parameters in the water column of the Lake Lugano North Basin...
We investigated the microbial nitrogen cycle in the water column of the meromictic Lake Lugano North Basin, Switzerland, during 12 sampling campaigns between 2015 and 2018. At... -
Nitrous oxide production kinetics from ammonia oxidation in the Eastern Tropi...
In March/April 2018 during a cruise on R/V Sally Ride, SR1805, 15N-NH4+ incubations in 60mL glass serum bottles were performed to measure ammonium oxidation rates to nitrite and... -
Mass fluxes and elemental composition of particulate export in KOSMOS mesocos...
The present dataset contains measurements of vertical particle fluxes (export) and their elemental composition. Data was collected with sediment traps in several in situ... -
Nutrients concentrations measured on water bottle samples during Akademik Try...
Sea water samples were collected as part of the Arctic Century Expedition, which took place in the Kara Sea (Arctic Ocean) aboard the research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov... -
N2O concentrations measured on water bottle samples during Akademik Tryoshnik...
Sea water samples were collected as part of the Arctic Century Expedition, which took place in the Kara Sea (Arctic Ocean) aboard the research vessel Akademik Tryoshnikov... -
Dataset of a globally relevant stock of soil nitrogen in the Yedoma permafros...
This dataset merges nitrogen data from the Yedoma domain. It includes numerous fieldwork campaigns, which take place since 1998. In total 467 samples from the active layer... -
Code for ancient ocean 5 box model on euxinic/ferruginous balance and the nit...
Code for ancient ocean 5 box model on euxinic/ferruginous balance and the Nitrogen cycle, by Richard Boyle 2018 .This paper was a deep-time adaptation of a contemporary ocean... -
Table S7, Compilation of Eastern Mediterranean Sea records containing preserv...
Compilation of Eastern Mediterranean Sea records in which diatom frustules have been reported during event S5, including: event, site, latitude, longitude, species, preservation... -
Mediterranean sapropel bulk organic matter and biomarker concentrations and c...
This dataset contains bulk organic matter and biomarker data for two Mediterranean Sea sites: ODP Leg 160 site 964 (including sapropels S5, S7, and i-282) and ODP Leg 160 site... -
Nitrous oxide and biogeochemical variables related to Intermediate Waters int...
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas principally produced by nitrification and denitrification in the marine environment. Observations were made in the eastern South... -
Database and R script relative to "Spatial patterns of causality in temperate...
This database and this script are linked to the article “Spatial patterns of causality in temperate silvopastoral systems: a perspective on nitrification stability in response... -
Table S6, Biomarker isotopic data of crenarchaeol (δ13C Cren.), bacteriohopan...
Stable-carbon isotope compositions for crenarchaeol, bacteriohopanetetrol I (BHT-I), and bacteriohopanetetrol II (BHT-II) for ODP cores at sites 964 and 967. All biomarkers were... -
Table S5, Abundance of crenarchaeol, bacteriohopanetetrol I (BHT-I), bacterio...
Carbon-normalized abundance of individual bacteriohopanetetrol (BHP) and heterocyst glycolipid (HG) compounds, as well as the relative abundance of BHT-I vs. BHT-II and HG-C5...