Secretaressen over hun functie-inhoud 1999
Detailed description of r'.s daily activities at work / organization of the secretary's office / occupational career, mobilty / working hours and pay, overtime work, outwork /... -
Functie inhoud secretaressen 1992-1993
Education, schooling, vocational training / function description / size of department / colleagues / superiors / contents of work compatible with formal function description... -
Gezond werken voor secretaressen 1996
Health and work situation of secretaries Type of company where respondent is working / size of company / working situation / type of tasks / physical and mental health /... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: kontorsmateriel
Swedish-Swedish/Finnish glossary containing list of office material words. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2005. Contains approximately 150 entries. 2005. Svensk-sverigefinsk... -
Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on musculoskeletal pain, physical activity and w...
Background Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency situation for social distancing was implemented in many countries, including Estonia. For most office workers, the lockdown...