Probing the thickness of the polymer adsorbed layer in HEUR stabilized oil in...
Oils are commonly used in personal care industry as emollients. Owing to their undesirable feel they are formulated in oil in water emulsions form. Emulsions contains... -
Solvent-induced curvature of micelles
The purpose is to follow a structural evolution as water soluble (normal curvature) micelles are gradually transformed into oil soluble (reversed curvature) aggregates. Although... -
Emusifier distribution in concentrated dispersions
Emusifier distribution in concentrated dispersions -
Characterisation of the gamma prime precipitate distribution in an advanced N...
The excellent high temperature properties of Ni-base superalloys are derived from the presence of fine precipitates of the intermetallic Ni3Al phase, termed gamma prime. The... -
The role of disulphide bridges in the adsorption of globular proteins at the ...
Following our previous study of adsorption of globular lysozyme and BSA at the oil/water interface by neutron reflection, we continue to explore how unfolding of globular... -
Mechanisms of shear stability in emulsions
High internal phase water-in-oil emulsions can be efficiently stabilised by polymer amphiphiles for a static emulsion, and also show high shear stabillity even at elevated... -
INS Study of Bio-oil on a Hydrodeoxygenation Catalyst
The Indonesian government has recently passed a new policy regarding a mandatory regulation for all gas stations nationwide to replace existing diesel fuel to B-20 biofuel.... -
Adsorption of bioengineered antibodies at the oil/water interface
Following our previous study of interfacial adsorption of the basic version mAb COE-3, we wish to continue this work by exploring how two modified mAbs adsorb at the same... -
Investigation of excitonic physics in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules
The MuSES project currently ongoing in the HiFi spectrometer gives unique opportunity in the field of photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules. After two successful... -
Adsorption and activity of Thermomyces lanuginosus Lipase (TLL) at the oilwat...
The purpose with the proposed project is to provide a better understanding of structural changes in interfacial lipid layers due action of lipolytic enzymes. In this study we... -
High pressure for liquids project on SANDALS
This beamtime request is part of a long term project based on the liquids diffractometer SANDALS and aimed at developing the use of Paris-Edinburgh press for liquids and in... -
Adsorption of Bispecific Monoclonal Antibodies with Extended Domains at the O...
Following our previous study of interfacial adsorption of the basic version mAb COE-3, we wish to continue this work by exploring how two modified mAbs adsorb at the same... -
Partial structural study at the oil-water interface
In our previous experiment we determined a value for the interfacial width of bare hexadecane-water interface. The NR-determined width was 6.0 ± 1.0 Å, which compares well with... -
SANS studies of phospholipid:sterol vesicles and the membrane interactions of...
The increasing incidence of pathogenic fungi resistant to treatment with amphotericin B (AmB) has created a demand for novel anti-fungal agents that can circumvent the... -
Effect of pH on the shape of oil-in-water microemulsions formed by a zwitteri...
Despite interest in microemulsions as drug delivery vehicles, there is a lack of structural understanding to justify the formulations used. The present study examines the use of... -
SANS study of engine oil gelation
Metal carbonate particles dispersed in dodecane and stabilised with alkyl salicylate surfactants have been shown to aggregate when trace water is added. We have found that... -
The correlation of metallography with neutron diffraction for Indo-Persian ar...
Our long-term aim is a detailed study of the manufacture of wootz (the so-called Damascus steel)a high-C% cast steel which was very slowly cooled and very carefully forged so as... -
Location of the lipophilic drug testosterone propionate at the oil-water inte...
Solubilisation of poorly-water soluble drug in surfactant micelles is an attractive means of increasing the apparent aqueous solubility of such drugs in order to administer the... -
Conformation of lipid, DSPC and cholesterol mixture
In this proposal we intend to investigate the intermolecular interactions in a mixed phospholipid/cholesterol monolayer at the oil-water interface using neutron reflectometry.... -
Protein nanosheets assembled structures at the air-water interfaces for cell ...
Cell adhesion and proliferation at the surface of liquids such as oil droplets is a surprising phenomenon as it is typically accepted in the field of bioengineering that cells...