Svensk-finsk ordlista: avfallsord
Swedish - Finnish glossary containing waste words. Published in Kieliviesti 3/2005. Contains approximately 210 entries. 2005. Svensk-sverigefinsk ordlista med avfallsord.... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: trängselskatt
Swedish - Finnish glossary with congestion tax words. Contains approximately 120 entries. 2006. Swedish - Finnish glossary with congestion tax words. Contains approximately 120... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: gudstjänstord
Swedish - Finnish glossary with church service words. Contains approximately 300 entries. 2014. Swedish - Finnish glossary with church service words. Contains approximately 300... -
Svensk-finsk socialordlista
Swedish-Sweden Finnish social word list contains the main vocabulary in social insurance, elder and youth care, family law, health care and nursing, drug abuse and treatment,... -
Svensk-finsk skolordlista
Swedish-Sweden Finnish school word list contains central terminology for preschool, elementary school and high school, also words from higher education central to high school... -
Språkrådets finskspråkiga språkvårdstidskrift: Kieliviesti
Kieliviesti is a Finnish language periodical on language cultivation from the Swedish Language Council. Content includes advice regarding terminology and translation as well as...