Lignin phenols records of sediment from the Storsjön lake
Terrestrial organic matter (OM) plays a key role in coastal organic carbon burial. However, few studies focus on the relationship between land use in the watershed and the... -
Absolute concentrations of BDGTs and PDGTs in sediments from expeditions M84/...
Butanetriol and pentanetriol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (BDGTs and PDGTs) are membrane lipids recently discovered in sedimentary environments and in the methanogenic archaeon... -
Analysis of the high density fine fraction (HDF) from the nearshore zone of H...
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Analysis of the low-density fraction (LD) from the nearshore zone of Herschel...
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(Table 2) Sample information, results of bulk OC and lignin analyses of marin...
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(Table 1) Sample information, results of bulk OC and lignin analyses of river...
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Organic Matter proxies across the Romaine river watershed to coast, North Sho...
This dataset provides geochemical measurements for sediments and particulates in water across a land to sea gradient in the Romaine River Watershed, Quebec. Specifically, δ13C... -
Metalloporphyrin concentrations and selected metal abundances ODP Site 207-12...
Metalloporphyrins, and metal-specific porphyrins (e.g. VO-porphyrins), are summed concentrations of multiple compounds shown in Fig. S2 (Connock et al., 2022). Metal abundances... -
Biomarker concentrations from ODP Site 207-1258, Demerara Rise
Free base- (FB) chlorins, FB-porphyrins, metalloporphyrins, obGDGTs, DAGEs, and ext. Archaeols are summed concentrations of multiple compounds shown in Fig. S2 (Connock et al.,... -
Lipid biomarker and bulk organic matter concentrations and carbon and hydroge...
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Lipid biomarker and bulk organic matter concentrations and carbon and hydroge...
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(Table 3) Hydrocarbons of surface sediments and of ODP Leg 117 samples
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(Table) Content of organic compounds in the bottom sediments of the Volga Riv...
Materials from different spheres of the Earth are ultimately delivered to bottom sediments, which serve as a natural recorder of the functioning of other spheres and originate... -
(Table 1) Composition of organic matter from sediments of the triple junction...
Bituminous substances in metalliferous sediments from the region of the triple junction in the Indian Ocean were studied. Specific peculiarities of their structure confirming... -
Hydrocarbon concentrations in organic carbon and aggregates of surface sedime...
PCB and PCN were concentrated onto precombusted Whatman GF/F glass filters and determined by AIMES GmbH using two-dimensional gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry,... -
Heterocyst glycolipids in water samples of the Amazon shelf
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Heterocyst glycolipids in surface sediment samples of the Amazon shelf
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