D2.8: Guidelines on Open Access and Restricted Data (final)
This report is a full revision of the earlier D2.5 [Guidelines on Open Access and Restricted Data (draft)] on restricted data. It looks in particular at the new legal... -
EUDAT D2.5: Guidelines on Open Access and Restricted Data (draft)
This report focuses on personal data as an important category of restricted data, and looks in particular at the legal requirements, both current and future, on EUDAT service... -
Glossary (EN-LT-DA) of General Data Protection Regulation Terms (ELEXIS)
Trilingual glossary (EN-LT-DA) of the English terms referring to personal data and their equivalents in the Lithuanian and Danish languages. -
Raba interneta v Sloveniji, 2001
Poslanstvo ankete je podati izčrpen in podroben vpogled v značilnosti, obnašanje in stališča uporabnikov interneta v Slovenji. Omogočila bo tudi vrsto metodoloških raziskav v... -
Habilitation Register of German Universities 2000-2020
The Habilitation Register of German Universities 2000-2020 covers a total of 24,714 habilitations at German universities for the period 2000-2020 and is intended to broaden and...