Automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution dro...
JavaScript code to be implemented in Google Earth Engine(c) for automated machine learning-based potsherd detection using high-resolution drone imagery. This research presents... -
Mycenaean tomb construction in Attica and Achaea (southern Greece, 1600 - 100...
This research is part of the ERC-Consolidator SETinSTONE project directed by Prof. dr. Ann Brysbaert and funded by the European Research Council under the European Union’s... -
Reality Capture automated image alignment
This video shows the use of Reality Capture photogrammetric structure-from-motions software in combination with a bat-script for automated processing of images into a 3D model.... -
RiScan Pro PRCS to RealityCapture ground plane script
This bat-script for windows can be used to synchronize a the locally levelled project coordinate systems between the terrestrial laserscan processing software from Riegl LMS... -
3D mesh model front facade Karlskirche, Vienna Austria
mesh model [obj] plus raw data of front facade of Karlskirche, Vienna Austria please contact lukas.stampfer@tuwien.ac.at for access captured with laserscanner Riegl VZ-400 and... -
Rhino3D surfaces to Riscan Pro planes and RealityCapture rcBox script
This grasshopper for Rhino3D script plus bat-script for windows can be used to transform section planes defined in Rhino3D as surfaces into planes for terrestrial laserscan... -
Three-dimensional, km-scale hyperspectral data of a well-exposed Zn-Pb minera...
Hyperspectral imaging is a most promising innovative technology for non-invasive material mapping and is starting to be adapted in a wide range of applications, including... -
Three-dimensional, km-scale hyperspectral data of a well-exposed Zn-Pb minera...
Hyperspectral imaging is a most promising innovative technology for non-invasive material mapping and is starting to be adapted in a wide range of applications, including...