12 datasets found

Keywords: planetary atmospheres

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  • Abundancy Vertical Profile at Titan with Cassini/CIRS

    EPNcore table for temperature, pressure and element abundance profiles in Titan's atmosphere.
  • Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy

    EpnCore table for APIS service
  • Mars atmospheric profiles - From NOMAD/TGO

    Derived data from measurements of the NOMAD instrument on board ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter. For more info on NOMAD, see Vandaele et al. (2018)...
  • SOIR

    Profiles of species in Venus atmosphere terminator. Data retrieved from calibrated spectra obtained with the SPICAV-SOIR instrument on board the Venus Express spacecraft. These...
  • GEM-Mars GCM profiles

    Profiles of pressure, temperature and species of the Martian atmosphere simulated with the GEM-Mars general circulation model. See for the main model descritpion Neary, L., et...
  • Planetary Images Database

    Observatory names
  • Planetary Images Database

    Planetary Images Database
  • vcd

    The database contains some outputs of the VCD for the scenarios : {1) Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV average conditions ; 2) Standard cloud albedo Scenario, solar EUV...
  • mars_dust

    Mars_dust provides a multiannual climatology of Martian airborne dust as measured by various space missions. The retrieved column dust optical depth is mapped for each Martian...

    The database contains profiles of atmospheric CO2 density and temperature derived thereof, and ozone concentration profiles, all derived from the first year(s) of SPICAM UV...
  • mcd

    The database contains some outputs of the MCD for all the scenarios available, at different positions of latitude and longitude. These MCD outputs are provided as Votables...
  • Abundancy Vertical Profile at Titan with Cassini/CIRS

    This service publishes a set of vertical profiles through the atmosphere of Saturn's moon titan. Available are profiles of pressure and temperature on the one hand and profiles...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).