*Meaning of Party Identification
Bedeutung der Parteiidentifikation. Themen: Politikinteresse; Parteineigung; Parteiidentifikation; Parteipräferenz; Gründe für die Parteineigung (Skala); Parteiinteresse des... -
Members of Parliament Survey 2003 (Members of the German Bundestag)
Wahlkampf. Parteidisziplin. Einstellung zu politischen Aufgaben. Politische Biographie und Karriereverlauf. Themen: Zeitaufwand pro Woche für Wahlkampfaktivitäten; Häufigkeit... -
European and World Values Surveys Four-Wave Integrated Data File, 1981-2004
This survey is a not up-to-date version and available only for replication purposes (see ´Further Remarks´). Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of... -
Trust in Politics - Attitudes towards Reforms in the Social Welfare State
Attitudes towards the welfare state and welfare state reforms. Political trust. Attitude to democracy. Topics: Assessment of the general and personal economic situation;... -
Politbarometer - Overall Cumulation
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
European Parliament Election Study 1979-2019, Euromanifesto Study
Coded version of election programs. Manifestos of relevant parties issued ahead of the European elections between 1979 and 2019. Topics: Country in which the party ran in... -
Social Survey Iraq 2004 (February)
Political attitudes and behaviour. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Topics: life satisfaction; assessment of the quality of life compared to the period before spring 2003... -
Social Survey Iraq 2004 (March)
Political attitudes and behaviour. Religion. Government and political systems. Conflicts, security and peace. Gender roles. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Topics: life... -
Social Survey Iraq 2004 (June)
Political attitudes and behaviour. Government and political systems. Conflicts, security and peace. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Topics: general satisfaction with... -
Social Survey Iraq 2005
Political attitudes and behaviour. Government and political systems. Conflicts, security and peace. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Topics: general life satisfaction;... -
Social Survey Iraq 2003-2004 (Cumulation)
Political attitudes and behaviour. Government and political systems. Conflicts, security and peace. Religion. Gender roles. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Cumulation of... -
Social Survey Libya 2011 (North Africa Survey)
Political attitudes and behaviour. Government and political systems. Conflicts, security and peace. Health condition. Socio-economic and demographic issues. Topics: happiness;... -
European Parliament Election Study 2014, Euromanifesto Study
Coded version of election programs. Manifestos issued ahead of the European elections 2014. Euromanifestos coded by 30 coders from all member states of the European Union using... -
European Parliament Elections – Euromanifesto Study (Documents)
The study includes party programmes issued by the parties before the European elections from 1979 to 2014. Die Studie umfasst Parteiprogramme, die vor den Europawahlen von 1979... -
Political agenda-building under the conditions of a hybrid media system – a c...
The SIARD-database contains variables from a manual content analysis on food safety for which three different types of documents were analysed: 1. texts from websites, 2.... -
DJI Youth Survey 2003
Allgemeine Lebenssituation von Jugendlichen. Bildungs- und Ausbildungssituation, Übergang Schule - Beruf. Erwerbssituation. Materielle und ökonomische Situation. Soziale... -
DJI Youth Survey 1992, 1997 and 2003 (Cumulated Data Set)
Lebensverhältnisse, Wertorientierungen, politische Orientierungen und politische Verhaltensbereitschaft von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Kumulierter Datensatz aus den... -
Politbarometer East 2008 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Politbarometer West 2008 (Cumulated Data Set, incl. Flash)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Flash Eurobarometer 230 (Quelle Europe? Attitudes des Français envers l’Unio...
Attitudes towards the European Union. Topics: attitude towards European integration; feeling of national and / or European identity; most important characteristics of European...