Gametogenic cycle of Mesodesma donacium in Hornitos (II Región), Chile, May 2...
Parameters: Gonad stage: number of male or female clams in each of the following gonad stages: preactive; active; spawned; cytolysed. Collected clams were fixed in formalin and... -
Gametogenic cycle of Mesodesma donacium in Hornitos, Chile, 2007
Collected clams were fixed in formalin and processed later in the laboratory using standard methods (Romeis 1989), embedding gonad tissue in paraplast wax after dehydration.... -
Gametogenic cycle of Mesodesma donacium in Hornitos, Chile, 2006
Collected clams were fixed in formalin and processed later in the laboratory using standard methods (Romeis 1989), embedding gonad tissue in paraplast wax after dehydration.... -
Gametogenic cycle of Mesodesma donacium in Hornitos, Chile, 2005
Collected clams were fixed in formalin and processed later in the laboratory using standard methods (Romeis 1989), embedding gonad tissue in paraplast wax after dehydration....