Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Integrated water vapor of HATPRO microwave radiometer at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (...
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
HATPRO microwave radiometer measurements at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2019-2021)
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
HATPRO microwave radiometer measurements at AWIPEV, Ny-Ålesund (2016-2018)
The microwave radiometer HATPRO has seven K band (22.235-31.4 GHz) channels that are sensitive to the path integrated amount of cloud liquid water (clwvi) and the path... -
Improved integrated water vapour derived from the combination of the microwav...
This data set contains daily files of vertically integrated water vapour (precipitable water, prw) derived from combined measurements of the HATPRO and MiRAC-P microwave... -
Integrated water vapour derived from the MiRAC-P microwave radiometer onboard...
The data set contains daily files of path integrated amount of water vapour (precipitable water, prw) derived from the MiRAC-P (or LHUMPRO-243-340) microwave radiometer (see... -
Temperature and humidity profiles, integrated water vapour and liquid water p...
The data set contains daily files of path integrated amount of water vapour (precipitable water, prw) and cloud liquid (clwvi), as well as temperature (ta) and humidity (hua)...