ADCP current measurements (75 kHz) during Med-SHIP cruise TAlPro2022 on RV BE...
This data set contains the post-processed current profiles collected by means of a vessel-mounted ADCP (on the Belgia vessel RV BELGICA) in the Western Mediterranean Sea during... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and impact of different carbonate system paramet...
Insights into past marine carbon cycling and water mass properties can be obtained by means of geochemical proxies calibrated through controlled laboratory experiments with... -
Radiosonde profile measurements during FESSTVaL 2021
This data set contains atmospheric profile measurements retrieved from 452 radiosonde ascents during FESSTVaL 2021. The data set consits of observations from three data sources:... -
Recent SAXS measurements have indicated that CO2 can dramatically swell the surfactant layer in w/o microemulsions formed in CO2-swollen oils and also enhance solubilisation... -
Does tethered PEG behave as a typical polymer brush at the solid-liquid inter...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of hydrophillic polymers covalently attached, via thiol chemistry, to the gold-water interface. In particular, we will... -
Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
Observation of the magnetisation profile in a ferromagnetic semiconductor/fer...
Ferromagnetic III-V semiconductors lie at the confluence of magnetic storage and optoelectronic technologies, allowing the development of semiconductor heterostructure devices... -
Non-local electrodynamics effect in an ¿extreme¿ low-k superconductor
We intend to perform accurate measurements of the magnetic field profile in the Meissner state of an ¿extreme¿ low-k superconductor (In, k = 0.06, k is the Ginzburg-Landau... -
Quantification of the temperature dependent magnetisation profile in a ferrom...
The realisation of room temperature magnetic semiconductors would be a significant milestone on the route to the next generation of spintronic materials. Raising the ordering... -
Protein density profile near protein-resistant self-assembled monolayers: Sen...
Oligo(ethylene glycol) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) effectively prevent the adsorption of proteins from biological media. Despite the importance of this effect for... -
Powder diffraction studies under high deuterium pressure
The aims of the experiment are (1) to obtain structural data for the model hydrogen storage intermetallic LaNi5 under a deuterium pressure of 3000 bar at cryogenic temperatures,... -
Superconductivity induced changes in the ferromangetic order of Y(1-x)PrxBa2C...
By polarized neutron reflectometry we want to investigate the magnetic field profile in Y(1-x)PrxBa2Cu3O7/La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO3 high-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet superlattices. In... -
Evolving structures of oxysulfide battery materials
This proposal aims to investigate the evolution of the structures of layered oxysulfide materials which show promise as lithium ion battery electrodes. The lithiation of... -
2000-2021 In situ profiles colocalized with AMEDA eddy detections from 1/8 AV...
Mesoscale eddy detection from 2000 to 2021 are computed using the AMEDA algorithm applied on AVISO L4 absolute dynamic topography at 1/8th degree. Eddy numbers correspond to... -
A Profile Classification Model from North-Atlantic Argo temperature data
A quantitative understanding of the integrated ocean heat content depends on our ability to determine how heat is distributed in the ocean and what are the associated coherent...