(Table 2) Carbon stable isotopic signatures and gas geochemical compositions ...
GoM Gulf of Mexico, BS Black Sea, MS Mediterranean Sea, MV mud volcanoa: Data from Schmale et al. (2010)b: standard deviation with <1‰ higher than for other samples (0.5 to... -
Concentration and isotope ratios of gases in porewater of the North Alex Mud ...
Sediment depth of PO362-2_36 is corrected depth [m]. -
(Appendix 1) Stable carbon and hydrogen data of different settings
w.m.: values are given as weighted mean of seperate aliquots extracted over time, n.m.: not measured, n.d.: not detected, Depth, sediment=mbsf: meter below seafloor -
(Table 3) Stable isotopic composition and carbon isotope fractionation factor...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Isotopic compositions and hydrocarbon isomer ratios of core gases a...
This dataset has no description
(Tables 1, 2) Hydrocarbon percentages and dissolved sulphate from pore water ...
This dataset has no description
(Tables 1, 2) Hydrocarbon percentages and dissolved sulphate from pore water ...
This dataset has no description
(Tables 1, 2) Hydrocarbon percentages and dissolved sulphate from pore water ...
This dataset has no description
(Tables 1, 2) Hydrocarbon percentages and dissolved sulphate from pore water ...
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Concentrations of dissolved anions in porewater and gaseous alkanes in sedime...
The Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vents in the Gulf of California (Mexico) were visited with the research vessel RV Atlantis in November to December 2018 (mission AT 42-05). Due to... -
(Table 2) Delta 13C hydrocarbon determination from sediment cores of the Vest...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Composition and isotopic ratios of gas venting in Lost Hammer, Cana...
All results are corrected for air contamination after the method of Sherwood Lollar et al. (2007). All hydrogen isotopic results in per mil vs. V-SMOW, all carbon isotopic... -
(Table 6) Isotopic compositions and hydrocarbon isomer ratios of core gases a...
This dataset has no description
(Table 3) Gas ratios and stable isotopic composition of gases in sediments of...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2) Stable carbon isotope composition of the occludes hydrate gas and g...
This dataset has no description
(Table 1) Molecular and isotope composition of sorbed gases of ODP Leg 112 sa...
This dataset has no description
(Table 3) Average stable carbon isotopic compositions for aqueous low-molecul...
The reported d13C for CO2 is the value calculated for the endmember hydrothermal vent fluid, assuming two-component mixing between a seawater endmember containing 2.33 mmol/kg... -
(Table 4) Molecular and isotopic properties of void gases from sediments near...
Gas concentrations are given as volume parts of natural gases. Zero values = not detected. -
(Table 4) Molecular and isotopic properties of void gases from sediments near...
Gas concentrations are given as volume parts of natural gases. Zero values = not detected. -
(Table 4) Molecular and isotopic properties of void gases from sediments near...
Gas concentrations are given as volume parts of natural gases. Zero values = not detected.