cops_suph_wvdial: Profiles of absolute humidity and backscatter signals at 82...
The files contain vertical profiles of absolute humidity and backscatter signals at 820 nm measured with the Water Vapor Differential Absorption Lidar of University of Hohenheim... -
cops_suph_rlidar: Profiles of temperature and particle backscatter coefficien...
The files contain vertical profiles of temperature and particle backscatter coefficient at 355 nm measured with the Rotational Raman Lidar of University of Hohenheim (UHOH RRL)... -
cops_suph_dlidar: lidar data of 2mu Doppler Lidar run by FZK/IMK-TRO during C...
Lidar data of 2mu Doppler Lidar run by FZK/IMK-TRO at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde. The windtracer is a commercial Doppler Lidar from LMCT. It can be operated... -
cops_suph_cradar: data of 35 GHz cloud radar run by FZK-IMK during COPS 2007
Profiles of the 35 GHz cloud radar MIRA36-S at COPS-Supersite Hornisgrinde. Containing reflectivity, radial Doppler velocity, spectral width and LDR (linear... -
Pluviométrie d'altitude dans les Alpes
Le programme TPG pour (Transect de Pluviographes pour l'analyse et la modélisation de Gradients d'intensités en altitude) s'est déroulé de 1987 à 1995 puis de 1999 à 2004.... -
Integrated high-resolution dataset of Estonian precipitation 2018-2019
This dataset has no description