Optimal reference translation of English-Czech WMT2020
We define "optimal reference translation" as a translation thought to be the best possible that can be achieved by a team of human translators. Optimal reference translations... -
APE Shared Task WMT18: Human Post-edits and References Test Data EN-DE PBSMT
Human post-edited and reference test sentences for the En-De PBSMT WMT 2018 Automatic post-editing task. This consists of 2,000 German sentences for each file belonging to the... -
Additional German-Czech reference translations of the WMT'11 test set
Additional three Czech reference translations of the whole WMT 2011 data set (http://www.statmt.org/wmt11/test.tgz), translated from the German originals. Original segmentation... -
Many Czech References for 50 Sentences Selected from WMT11 Data
This dataset contains the whole set of very many Czech translations for 50 English source sentences coming from WMT11 test set (http://www.statmt.org/wmt11). In total, there are...