Estimating the effect of a scanner upgrade on measures of grey matter structu...
Longitudinal imaging studies are crucial for advancing the understanding of brain development over the lifespan. Thus, more and more studies acquire imaging data at multiple... -
D9.5: Final Report on the Applicability of Object Stores within EUDAT
In this deliverable a summary of the work done by Task 9.1.1 of EUDAT’s Work Package 9 (WP9) which, in accordance with the project’s description of work (DoW), examined the... -
EUDAT D9.1: Interim Report on The Applicability of Object Stores within EUDAT
In the deliverable we discuss object storage concept and architecture as well as its most prominent open source implementations, in the light of the requirements of EUDAT CDI... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of the Student Government at the University in Ljubljana (1992)
Na osnovi teoretičnih in empiričnih spoznanj je bil oblikovan omrežni generatorji za merjenje teoretično utemeljene dimenzije socialne opore - vsebina omrežnega generatorja za... -
Social support of students of High School Bežigrad (1998)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2000-2001)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (2001-2002)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of Social informatics of FDV (2004-2005)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Social support of students of social informatics of FDV (1992-1993)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Socialna opora dijakov Gimnazije Poljane (2000)
Dopolnjen MTMM merski model, ki sta ga zasnovala Saris in Andrews (1991), je bil uporabljen za ocenjevanje merske kakovosti štirih dimenzij socialne opore zato, ker lahko z njim... -
Stata code for assessing interrater reliability in the coding of the SDCCP 1 ...
The syntax code has the purpose of assessing interrater reliability for various variables based on a random 10% sample from all survey programs encoded in the dataset SDCCP 1 -... -
Estimating the effect of a scanner upgrade on measures of grey matter structu...
Longitudinal imaging studies are crucial for advancing the understanding of brain development over the lifespan. Thus, more and more studies acquire imaging data at multiple... -
reliability of neural entrainment
Dataset and scripts from the paper Reliability of Neural entrainment in the human auditory system by Cabral-Calderin Y and Henry MJ, Journal of Neuroscience 2021. -
Safe Use of Mobility Aid Checklist (SUMAC) for walker use in people living wi...
The purpose of the dataset is to determine the reliability (through Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) of the SUMAC-NL, a Dutch-language measurement instrument that can... -
A reconsideration of the Self-Compassion Scale's total score: Self-compassion...
Abstract: The Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) is currently the only self-report instrument to measure self-compassion. The SCS is widely used despite the limited evidence for the... -
Subjectively different emotional schematic faces not automatically discrimina...
The present study investigates how the brain automatically discriminates emotional schematic faces, as indicated by the mismatch responses, and how reliable these brain... -
Determination of the detection limits and quantitative analysis reliability o...
Neutron diffraction offers one of the most interesting and meaningful methods for non destructive quantitative determination of the phase composition of materials. However, it... -
Texture memory and variant selection for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys
The proposed experiment will focus on determining the level of texture memory and variant selection on both heating and cooling for steel and titanium and zirconium alloys with... -
Replication Data for: Predicting measurement error variance in social surveys
Social science commonly studies relationships among variables by employing survey questions. Answers to these questions will contain some degree of measurement error, distorting...