Data Discovery and Reuse Practices in Research
This dataset presents the results from a global survey designed to investigate how individuals involved in research discover and reuse secondary data. The data consist of 1677... -
Anketa o zadovoljstvu uporabnikov ADP, 2016
Cilj raziskave je preučiti zadovoljstvo uporabnikov s storitvami Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov (ADP) in priporočiti korake razvoja organizacije z namenom izboljšanja storitev.... -
Survey on CNR researchers' attitudes on data sharing in environmental sciences
Suvey on researchers' attitudes and practices of data sharing in the area of Environmental sciences. It is based on an online questionnaire submitted to CNR researchers... -
Dissertations and Data
We present the results of a quantitative assessment of research data produced and submitted with dissertations Special attention is paid to the size of the research data in... -
CAPTURE enkät om skapande och användning av arkeologisk data
An online survey targeted to individuals who, according to themselves, had previously used and/or created, collected or deposited archaeological data (understood broadly,... -
Data Stewardship Community Poster
This poster was developed for the Festival of Digital Research & Scholarship, 11 June 2024. It provides information about a new community to bring together people from across... -
The current landscape of author guidelines in chemistry through the lens of r...
This data package contains the results of a large-scale analysis of author guidelines from several publishers and journals active in chemistry research, showing how well the... -
Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Records in Contexts (RiC): a Cultural ...
The poster shows how the international digital standards for archival science, Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and Records in Contexts (RiC) build together a genuine cultural... -
Prices and Wages in Salzburg and Vienna, c. 1450–1850. An Introduction to the...
Prices and wages are key indicators of social and economic processes. Recent research exists for some countries, but little data has been added on present-day Austria since the... -
Replication data for: A game theoretic analysis of research data sharing Mod...
The R-scripts and data in this study can be used to reproduce figures in the associated paper, which is based on a simulation of a scientific community. Model description: We... -
Replication Data for: The time efficiency gain in sharing and reuse of resear...
This dataset contains supplementary data and R scripts to generate figures for the paper 'The time efficiency gain in sharing and reuse of research data'. This version contains...