Interview Data on Researchers' Research Data Management Needs Across the Rese...
This data package contains transcripts of 35 interviews with researchers from various disciplines and with various experience levels as well as cross-disciplinary support staff... -
IRLDAT_D5_WP6_Report on Definition of Sustainable National-Scale Production S...
The IRLDAT project aims to design a national infrastructure to support the active part of the research data lifecycle. This report summarises the infrastructure deployed for... -
Topics in data policy - in Dutch
Overview of topics that (should) occur in a research data policy, extracted from Research Data (Management) policies and requirements from research performing, research funding,... -
EUDAT CDI Brochure
This is the brochure of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. The EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure (or EUDAT CDI) is one of the largest infrastructures... -
This presentation was taken from the Research Data Management Introduction: E...
This presentation was taken from the Research Data Management Introduction: EUDAT/Open AIRE Webinar -
Research Data Management
The presentation gives an introduction to Research Data Management, explaining why it is important to manage and share data. -
Open Data
V okviru projekta Odprti podatki je bil pripravljen pregled stanja na področju skrbi za raziskovalne podatke v Sloveniji. Identificirani so bili problemi, postopki in rešitve v... -
Dataset belonging to the publication "Data-Producing Methods in CRC 985: Reco...
This data was collected and processed as part of the CRC 985 INF project. It was used to create an overview of the data-producing methods available and employed throughout the... -
Integriteit en duurzaamheid in het digitale tijdperk: Het bewaren, delen, her...
De digitale revolutie heeft in de afgelopen decennia een sterke invloed gehad op wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Zo is het door de digitalisering van onderzoeksdata mogelijk om... -
Experiences with reviewing Data Management Plans - an LCRDM survey
This data set contains the results of a survey about reviewing Data Management Plans (DMPs). The survey was carried out by the Research Support and Advice working group of the... -
Dissertations and Data
We present the results of a quantitative assessment of research data produced and submitted with dissertations Special attention is paid to the size of the research data in... -
Research Data Management: A Perspective from the CRC 1194
Research Data Management: A Perspective from the CRC 1194 -
Entwicklung und Verbreitung von Forschungsdatenmanagement an Fachhochschulen ...
Die Erhebung wurde als standardisierte Online-Befragung durchgeführt, die vor allem drei Themenbereiche umfasste: FDM-Awareness, FDM-Aktivitäten und FDM-Bedarfe. Es handelte... -
CRC 1194 guideline on linking research data with publications
The goal of the guideline is to support FAIR principles in research with concrete steps that each researcher can perform to increase the Findability, Accessibility,... -
Umfrage zur Rolle von Repositorien zu Archivierung und Bereitstellung von For...
This dataset has no description
Interviews zur Rolle von Repositorien für die Archivierung und Bereitstellung...
4 interviews in total: interview 1+2 are added here, interview 3 remains unpublished by the interviewee's request, interview 4 wasn't recorded -
Research Data Management for Arts and Humanities: Integrating Voices of the C...
The poster showcases the publication “Research Data Management for Arts and Humanities: Integrating Voices of the Community” issued in 2023 by the DARIAH (Digital... -
Umfragedaten zu "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities"
Die Online-Umfrage "NFDI4Ing - Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities" wurde vom Konsortium NFDI4Ing (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften,... -
Computational Science and Engineering - Research Software Engineering Workflo...
This repository implements a Minimal Working Example (MWE) of a research software, used to describe the CSE-RSE workflow. The MWE is a simple C++ application that evaluates... -
Computational Science and Engineering - Research Software Engineering Workflo...
A minimal example of a research report (internal technical report, article preprint, manuscript submitted to peer-review), cross-linked with research data, code archive and...