Proposal to determine the origin of the effects of electric fields on the muo...
In the previous proposal we examined the ALC response of components of the complex dielectric under externally applied electric fields (EEF). We saw a shift in the asymmetry at... -
Local structure and proton sites in proton conducting brownmillerites
This proposal requests 6 days on Tosca to investigate the nature of local structure and proton sites in the proton conducting brownmillerite system Ba2In1.85M0.15O6H2 (M = In,... -
Muon charactersiation of dielectric insulation system under applied electric ...
We plan to measure the electric field distribution in epoxy resin based dielectrics close to breakdown using muons to detect the free charge carriers that may contribute to... -
Surface modification in heteropolymer blends.
In recent years we have had considerable success with the surface modification of amorphous and crystalline thermal plastic polymers using multi-end functional additives. In... -
Investigating dental resin polymer structures of as a function of light-curin...
Dimethacrylate resins are currently used for dental fillings. The polymers are set by free radical polymerisation. At present light curing protocols require 40s exposure at...