Computational data and NMR characterization data for "Rotational barriers of ...
This dataset includes the calculated energy barriers of the C‐N‐C‐O bond rotation in dependency of the angle (Computational Results) as well as the NMR spectra of all... -
Computational data and NMR characterization data for "Rotational barriers of ...
This dataset includes the calculated energy barriers of the C‐N‐C‐O bond rotation in dependency of the angle (Computational Results) as well as the NMR spectra of all... -
Simulation of Long-Range Proton Transfer - Development and Application
Die archaeale Protonenpumpe Bacteriorhodopsin nutzt Sonnenlicht um einen Protonengradienten über der Zellmembran aufzubauen. Der Mechanismus der Energieumwandlung basiert auf...