Structural insight into the mechanistic process of permeabilization into mode...
The aim of this study is to try to understand how antimicrobial peptides bind to model lipid monolayers mimicking different cell membrane types. Following our previous work,... -
Competitive adsorption in hydrophobin / protein mixtures at the solid-solutio...
Hydrophobins are secreted fungal proteins in the form of small lipopetide biosurfactants. They are strongly surface active and self-assemble at interfaces and in solution. This... -
Neutron reflectometry from surface of liquid 3He/4He film on silicon wafer
A superfluid helium film can host a variety of exotic quantum phenomena, such as the topological BerezinskiiKosterlitzThouless transition, Rollins film flow and Third sound.... -
Effect of temperature on the structure of model wax films as studied by neutr...
Cuticular wax films protect plants by mediating water and nutrient transport from the environment. Surfactant is a key ingredient in agrisprays that can promote the uptake of... -
Artificial spin triplet superconductors
There is currently tremendous interest in unconventional superconductors where p-wave, d-wave or f-wave angular momentum states exist. The existence of p or f-wave odd symmetry... -
The Interaction of Grp1 with Membranes Containing Signalling Phospholipids
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Interaction of amino acid based biosurfactants with model lipid bilayers
N-acyl amino acids are surfactants with attractive applications in different technological fields. They are referred to as mild surfactants because they are commonly considered...