23 datasets found

Keywords: sentiment

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  • Affixoid Dataset (DE)

    The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca...
  • Lexicon of Abusive Words (EN)

    This goldstandard contains a bootstrapped lexicon of abusive words. The lexicon comprises a large set of English negative polar expressions annotated as either abusive or not.
  • Sentiment Compound Data (DE)

    This dataset contains gold standards that are required for building a classifier that automatically extracts opinion (noun) compounds.
  • Twitter Titling Corpus

    The Twitter Titling Corpus contains 4002 stance-annotated tweets collected between 20 June 2017 and 30 August 2017 mentioning 6 presidents. Each tweet is annotated for the...
  • German Twitter Titling Corpus

    The German Titling Twitter Corpus consists of 1904 stance-annotated tweets collected in June/July 2018 mentioning 24 German politicians with a doctoral degree. The Addendum...
  • Opinion role extractor

    System for the Extraction of Subjective Expressions, Sentiment Sources and Sentiment Targets from German Text
  • Sentiment View Lexicon (EN)

    This gold standard contains sentiment expressions (verbs, nouns and adjectives) that have been annotated according to their (prior) sentiment view. Each sentiment expression is...
  • GermEval-2018 Corpus (DE)

    This dataset comprises the training and test data (German tweets) from the GermEval 2018 Shared on Offensive Language Detection.
  • TreeHopper (TreeLSTM): wydźwięk na poziomie zdań i fraz

    A Tree-LSTM-based dependency tree sentiment labeler
  • OptaHopper: phrase-level sentiment with opinion targets

    A phrase- and sentence-level sentiment analysis tool (deep-learning TreeLSTM, TreeHopper) integrated with opinion finding. Any sentiment dictionary may be used as an input...
  • PolEmo 1.0 + MultiEmo-Test 1.0 Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Dataset for KE...

    PolEmo 1.0 + MultiEmo-Test 1.0: Corpus of Multi-Domain Consumer Reviews. Test dataset from PolEmo 1.0 was translated to eight different languages: Dutch, English, French,...
  • Polish language sentiment dependency treebank (Treebank Wydzwieku)

    The dataset is a dependency treebank with sentiment annotations.
  • Guidelines for Emotive Annotation in plWordNet 4.0

    Guidelines for emotive annotation in plWordNet 4.0. The set consists of four documents dedicated to emotive annotation of four parts of speech - verb, adverb, noun and adjective.
  • Affixoid Dataset (DE)

    The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca...
  • Lexicon of Abusive Words (EN)

    This goldstandard contains a bootstrapped lexicon of abusive words. The lexicon comprises a large set of English negative polar expressions annotated as either abusive or not.
  • Sentiment Compound Data (DE)

    This dataset contains gold standards that are required for building a classifier that automatically extracts opinion (noun) compounds.
  • Twitter Titling Corpus

    The Twitter Titling Corpus contains 4002 stance-annotated tweets collected between 20 June 2017 and 30 August 2017 mentioning 6 presidents. Each tweet is annotated for the...
  • German Twitter Titling Corpus

    The German Titling Twitter Corpus consists of 1904 stance-annotated tweets collected in June/July 2018 mentioning 24 German politicians with a doctoral degree. The Addendum...
  • Opinion role extractor

    System for the Extraction of Subjective Expressions, Sentiment Sources and Sentiment Targets from German Text
  • Sentiment View Lexicon (EN)

    This gold standard contains sentiment expressions (verbs, nouns and adjectives) that have been annotated according to their (prior) sentiment view. Each sentiment expression is...
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