Characterisation of relaxation of residual stresses due to heat treatment in ...
Additive manufacturing, otherwise know as 3D printing is gaining in industrial relevance as a manufacturing technique partially due to the ability to fabricate complex... -
An attempt to measure sorption through strain induced deformation
Zeolite catalysts are highly porous materials that take up gases and vapours into their pores. Accommodating the guest molecule inside the host framework leads to distortion... -
Multi-axial strain measurement under creep-fatigue interaction for novel powe...
Power plant components are subjected to high temperature and cyclic loadings causing them to operate near or beyond the yield limit of the material, hence residual stresses will... -
Neutron diffraction studies of the vanadium carbide superstructure, V8C7
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Anelasticity in ODS MA956 steel during unloading in cyclic creep straining
Oxide dispersion-strengthened steels are still being regarded as suitable choices for components in advanced nuclear power plants. It is important, then, to study how permanent... -
Global crystallographic texture characterization on in Wire + Arc additive ma...
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Neutron Diffraction Strain Analysis of Ceramic Coatings from Suspension Therm...
Liquid feedstock containing sub-micron to nano-sized particles is used in suspension thermal spray to produce nanostructured ceramic coatings with improved density, strength and... -
Understanding the insertion of antibiotic toxins into the gram negative outer...
The gram-negative bacterial membrane is of extreme medical importance. Two of its major components are lipopolysaccharides (LPS's) and integral membrane proteins. Porins are... -
Influence of component geometry and scan strategy on the residual stress in S...
Unlike casting, Selective Laser Melting (SLM) powder bed system can be applied to build near-netshape components with complex geometries in a short lead time. Recently, SLM... -
In-situ lattice parameter and misfit analysis of a forged nickel-based supera...
Nickel-based superalloys have excellent high-temperature properties due to the dispersion of stronger precipitates in matrix. The properties are significantly affected by the... -
Towards understanding hydrogen defects in perdeuterated systems
The use of deuteration to overcome the difficulties associated with the incoherent scattering from hydrogen, is a well established technique. However, there are increasing... -
Residual stress investigation in inertia friction welds of RR1000 superalloy
Nickel based super alloys are utilized at high temperatures, in aggressive environments, and therefore important for aeroengine applications. RR1000 is a nickel-based... -
Understanding the damage tolerance of fibre-reinforced ceramic matrix composi...
Fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites (FRCMCs) have numerous applications, such as engine components, rocket re-entry nozzles and military vehicles due to their light... -
A molecular 2D quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnetic system diluted with non-m...
Low-dimensional quantum magnetism continues to be of great theoretical and experimental interest, as reduced dimensionality supports strong quantum fluctuations which can result... -
Deformation Studies of Mg-PSZ under Compressive and Tensile Loading
Zirconia is a brittle ceramic whose usefulness is negated by phase transformations which are accompanied by strains and the consequent stresses lead to cracking. The addition of... -
Local structure, dynamics and magnetism of the phases of cobalt imidazolate
This proposal concerns the metal-organic framework (MOF), cobalt imidazolate. Imidazole (im) is a small, flat organic molecule that forms slightly bent metal-im-metal linkages,... -
Protein secretion: Studying the folding and assembly of membrane proteins usi...
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Cobalt phase analysis and internal strain under thermomechanical loading: all...
The present proposal leans on the study of the elastoviscoplastic behavior of a polycrystalline Co by neutron diffraction (ENGIN-X) in line with theoretical investigations : 4... -
Internal stresses in superconducting bulk magnets studied by in situ neutron ...
Bulk high temperature superconductors are useful for permanent magnet applications because they can generate much stronger magnetic fields than ferromagnets and are more compact... -
Oriented antibody binding layers
The proposal concerns the assembly of high density antibody binding surfaces to increase the sensitivity of medical diagnostics. Previously we showed that antibody binding...