Labelled Siberian boreal forest types shapefiles based on field surveys: ESRI...
This dataset represents 103 labelled approx. 60x60 meters shapefiles representing different forest types. Seventy-nine sites were visited forest plots during AWI field... -
Labelled Siberian boreal forest types shapefiles based on field surveys: deta...
This dataset represents 103 labelled approx. 60x60 meters shapefiles representing different forest types. Seventy-nine sites were visited forest plots during AWI field... -
Pan-Arctic thermokarst lagoon distribution, area and classification
Thermokarst lagoons develop in permafrost lowlands along the ice-rich Arctic coast when thermokarst lakes or basins with bottom elevations at or below sea level are breached by... -
Labelled Siberian boreal forest types shapefiles based on field surveys
This dataset represents 103 labelled approx. 60x60 meters shapefiles representing different forest types. Seventy-nine sites were visited forest plots during AWI field... -
Coverage of published raw bathymetric data in and around the iAtlantic study ...
This shape file shows the coverage of raw multibeam bathymetry data published during the EU Horizon 2020 iAtlantic project for Milestone 13. The underlying raw data are... -
GIS mapping of the moraines of the Mont-Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges massifs
This dataset is a shapefile (polyline) of the moraine ridges of the Mont-Blanc and Aiguilles-Rouges massifs (French, Italian and Swiss Alps) intended to be as exhaustive as... -
Potentiometric surface of the Mammoth Cave Area
In 1981, Jim Quinlan and Joe Ray first published, “Groundwater Basins of the Mammoth Cave Region, Kentucky, Showing Springs, Major Caves, Flow Routes, and Potentiometric... -
Marine Bioregions for coastal subtidal shallow rocky reef of the Galapagos Ar...
The Galapagos coastal area is the most studied of the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR) and also the most vulnerable to impacts since it is where the greatest part of human...