Structure and stoichiometry in new nitride catalysts; anion mobility, chemica...
Our studies focus on the use of Co3Mo3N (331) as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis. During synthesis, N is lost and the compound is transformed to the new nitride Co6Mo6N (661); a... -
Characterisation of structure for the determination of liquid thermodynamic c...
This proposal is a continuation of prior combined NMR, SANS and diffraction measurements to characterise templated silicas, as part of a program to inform the behaviour of... -
Magnetic Properties of Rare-Earth Carbonates
We have prepared a new family of rare-earth carbonates, R4(CO3)6(H2O)2en (R=Dy-Lu). With the exception of R=Er, all materials exhibit a steadily decreasing meff below 70K. The... -
Structure of hot dense liquid carbon dioxide
We propose to study the structure of liquid CO2 by neutron diffraction under high pressure and high temperatures to 6 GPa / 800 K. Carbon dioxide belongs to the most fundamental... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking in superconducting PrOs4Sb12 and its alloys
In 2005 we carried out muon spin relaxation (muSR) experiments in Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12 alloys at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, to investigate the time-reversal symmetry breaking found in... -
Lattice vibrations of hydrogen impurities in a solid neon matrix
In recent incoherent inelastic neutron scattering experiments we have shown that the anharmonic single-particle dynamics of H2 can be measured with high precision in quantum... -
Low temperature structure and magnetostructural coupling in PdCrO2
We plan to investigate the low-temperature structure and magnetostructural coupling in PdCrO2, which is a quasi-2D material with strongly anisotropic physical properties. It is... -
Mesostructured titania films from ethanolic solutions
In this proposal we wish to continue our current work on mesostructured inorganic films in largely ethanolic solutions, containing limited amounts of water. Transition metal... -
Solution aggregation of short peptide surfactants
Short peptide sequences consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acid units are capable of self-assembly to lead to interfacial adsorption and solution nano-aggregation.... -
An INS Study of the Effect of Pressure on the Crystal Structure Titanium Tetr...
TiCl4 forms a molecular structure containing isolated tetrahedral molecules on cooling to 248 K. The freezing pressure of TiCl4 is 0.05 GPa (500 atm). Single crystal growth...