De bevolking van Twente voor 1812 ("Twentebestand")
Een bestand van personen die vóór 1 januari 1812 in Twente geboren zijn en er een gezin gesticht hebben. Het bestand omvat gegevens van 87.379 personen. -
Amsterdam 1742
Dit bestand is de bijna volledige digitale weergave (90%) van het register van de “Personele Quotisatie” van de stad Amsterdam in 1742. De grondslag voor de aanleg van dit... -
Demographical files on Castilian emigrants and recurring migrants (1598-1621)
Migration movements between Castile (Spain) and Spanish America Date Submitted: 2007-02-02 -
Homoseksuaalisuus Suomessa 1940- ja 1960-luvuilla 1994-1998
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää homoseksuaalisuutta koskevien uskomusten rakentumista sotienjälkeisessä Suomessa. Vuosina 1994-1998 kerätystä aineistosta on luovutettu... -
Homoseksuaalisuus Suomessa 1940- ja 1960-luvuilla: osa-aineisto, kerätty 1994...
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää homoseksuaalisuutta koskevien uskomusten rakentumista sotienjälkeisessä Suomessa. Vuosina 1994-1998 kerätystä aineistosta on luovutettu... -
Builders and architects in Twente, 1866-1906
Units of observation: (public) tenders -
Head of households living in Tiel in 1884 or in 1918
Social stratificationUnits of observation: head of households De bestanden zullen naar verwachting in de loop van 2021 gedocumenteerd worden aangeleverd. -
Households and head of households living in Besoyen in 1870
Social stratification of a shoemaker's villageUnits of observation: heads of households De bestanden zullen naar verwachting in de loop van 2021 gedocumenteerd worden aangeleverd. -
Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Indemnity Acts
The dataset contains data taken from indemnity acts (acten van cautie) for the period 1732 – 1785 of the city of Leiden. Date: 2011-06-20 N.B. This dataset contained until July... -
Infant mortality by municipality in the Netherlands, 1841-1939
Infant mortality, live births and infant mortality rates by municipality in the Netherlands in the periods 1841-1860, 1861-1874, 1875-1884, 1885-1894, 1895-1903, 1904-1913,... -
Leiden testaments, 1425-1499
This dataset contains data pertaining to the Leiden population who made their last will known. The research is concentrated on worldly and religious spendings of the Leiden... -
Occupations of new Amsterdam burghers, 1531-1607
In this dataset the number of new burghers in Amsterdam, divided over several periods is entered. Also the occupation codes and occupation titles, based on the Leiden census of... -
Resident population in Portuguese centers, 1890-1991
Included are data on the Portuguese urban centers with a resident population above 5000 inhabitants. The dataset can be used as a demographic criterium to analyse the Portuguese... -
Poor relief in Amsterdam, about 1800-1850
The main subject of this dataset is a socio-historical investigation into the functioning of poor relief in the city of Amsterdam during 1800-1850. The data is based on... -
Social, geographical and religious background and academic records of Delft s...
Education, social and religious background.Units of observation: students De bestanden zullen naar verwachting in de loop van 2021 gedocumenteerd worden aangeleverd. -
Crime in Delft, 1570-1811
Criminality and criminal sentences in Delft in the early modern time.Units of observation: Individuals -
Leiden Historical Population Databank, 1700-1850, Census 1808 Leiden
The dataset contains data taken from the census, held in Leiden in 1808. The dataset is a 20% sample of the original census source. The master thesis which is based on this... -
Prosopography of the medieval administrative elite of The Hague
The relationship of the administrative elite and the 'Landsheerlijke'[sovereign] elite of civil servants. Social mobility, mutation rhythm, concentration of power within the... -
List of voters in Leiden, 1892-1913
This dataset contains data on occupation, year and place of birth of voters in Leiden. It gives an insight in the changes in the composition of the electorate in Leiden in the... -
Criminal justice in Leiden, 1533-1838
This dataset contains three files on criminals and crimes in Leiden during the 1533-1838 period. Personal data of criminals and data on the type of offences and judgements...