Lexin: Svensk-grekiskt lexikon
Swedish-Greek dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-grekiskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-finskt lexikon
Swedish-Finnish dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-finskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-engelskt lexikon
Swedish-English dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-engelskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-bosniskt lexikon
Swedish-Bosnian dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-bosniskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-azerbajdzjanskt lexikon
Swedish-Azerbaijani dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml... -
Lexin: Svensk-arabiskt lexikon
Swedish-Arabic dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-arabiskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-amhariskt lexikon
Swedish-Amharic dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-amhariskt... -
Lexin: Svensk-albansk lexikon
Swedish-Albanian dictionary for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml Svensk-albanskt... -
Lexin: Svenska ord svenskt lexikon
Svenska ord, Swedish dictionary of everyday words, 4th updated version. A revised and updated version created by Gothenburg University for the Swedish Institute of Language and... -
Lexin: Svensk-serbiskt lexikon (latinsk)
Swedish-Serbian dictionary (Latin script) for immigrants who want to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. text/xml... -
Lexin: Svensk-turkiskt lexikon
Swedish-Turkish dictionary for immigrants wanting to learn Swedish. Includes commonly used words and phrases as well as words from Swedish society. Published in 2002.... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: termer i sambolagen och i lagen om registrerat partner...
Swedish - Finnish glossary with terms in the Cohabitee Act and law on registered partnership. Contains 33 entries. 2004. Swedish - Finnish glossary with terms in the Cohabitee... -
Svensk opinion 1979
This is the first survey in a collection of studies on Swedish opinion conducted during the period 1979-1985. While the purpose has been to collect rather detailed information... -
Svensk veckopress 1920-1975
In this survey the contents of 21 Swedish weeklies are scrutinized for the period 1920-1975. Four issues of each paper have been examined for each five years. Innehållsanalysen... -
Svenska folket 1955
Swedish people 1955 is the first part of the first large-scale survey in Sweden attempting to give an objective picture of interests, personalities, opinions, habits and living... -
Svenska folket 1955_2
Swedish people 1955 is the first part of the first large-scale survey in Sweden attempting to give an objective picture of interests, personalities, opinions, habits and living... -
Svenska folket 1955_3
Swedish people 1955 is the first part of the first large-scale survey in Sweden attempting to give an objective picture of interests, personalities, opinions, habits and living... -
Svenska folket 1955_4
Swedish people 1955 is the first part of the first large-scale survey in Sweden attempting to give an objective picture of interests, personalities, opinions, habits and living... -
Ensamhetens ansikten - En studie av ensamhetsupplevelser hos svenskar 1985
This project attempts to describe how strongly and how often people in different situations experience the feeling of loneliness, and what they do to overcome these feelings.... -
Åsikter om ojämlikhet i Sverige 1991
The survey deals with Swede's attitudes towards inequality. Questions asked are mainly taken from the 1987 'Social inequality' module of the International Social Survey Program...