89 datasets found

Keywords: socialt kapital

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  • Familj och arbetsliv på 2000-talet - Familj och arbetsliv

    The project 'Family and Working Life in the 21st Century' (YAPS) began in 1998. The aim was to establish a longitudinal database for studying the mutual relationship between...
  • Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2019

    The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2019

    In the autumn of 2019, the fourth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 5000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2020

    In the autumn of 2020, the fifth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 8 000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes...
  • Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2020

    The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,...
  • SOM-undersökningen i Göteborg 2021

    In the autumn of 2021, the sixth edition of the Gothenburg SOM survey was conducted. A total of 7000 randomly selected citizens of Gothenburg answered questions about attitudes...
  • Hur hälsa och välbefinnande upplevs och villkoras i skolans vardag för unga s...

    With the school as a point of departure, the dissertation’s overarching aim is to explore everyday experiences of and conditions for health and well-being among young people who...
  • Den västsvenska SOM-undersökningen 2021

    The Regional Western Sweden SOM Survey has been conducted yearly since 1992, but was initially limited to residents of Gothenburg and its surrounding municipalities. In 1998,...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2000

    A random sample was chosen from the population registry among persons aged 18-80 year living in Scania the 4th of November in 1999. The sample was stratified in 60 geographic...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2004

    A sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-18 years and living in Region Scania in 30th June 2004. The sample was stratified after geographic areas...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2008

    A sample was drawn from the population registry among persons aged 18-18 years and living in Region Scania in 30th June 2004. The sample was stratified after geographic areas...
  • Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Åk 6

    In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33...
  • Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Åk 9

    In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33...
  • Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012 - Gy åk 2

    In the spring of 2012, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2012" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2 in all 33...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 1: Yngre (18-64 år)

    Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in...
  • Folkhälsa i Skåne 2012 - Enkät 2: Äldre (65-80 år)

    Region Skåne regularly carries out public health surveys to examine the health and living conditions of living and living conditions. Previous surveys have been carried out in...
  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Medborgarundersökningen 2002-2003

    Citizen survey 2002-2003 (MBU02-03) is a follow up to citizen surveys conducted in 1987 and 1997 (SND 0474, SND 0796). The studies will examine the opportunities for citizens to...
  • Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 6

    In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33...
  • Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 9

    In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33...
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