Spectrophotometric Atlas of Galaxies
This catalog contains 56 spectra: 55 galaxy spectra, and one night sky spectrum, which is included for users wishing to check for low-level spurious features in the galaxy... -
Spectrophotometry of 77 variable stars
The results of visual and near-infrared spectrophotometric observations for 77 variable stars obtained during 1971-1991 in Chile, Armenia and Bolivia. The quasi-monochromatic... -
Spectrum of bipolar nebula AFGL 2688
Based on echelle spectra obtained at the prime focus of the 6-m telescope, the detailed chemical composition of one of the components of the bipolar nebula identified with the... -
Spectrum of IRAS 23304+6147
Based on CCD-spectra obtain with the 6-m telescope, detailed chemical composition of the IR source IRAS 23304+6147 identified with the faint star is studied. -
Study of relativistic jets in blazar objets
Our understanding of the unification of jetted AGN has evolved greatly as jet samples have increased in size. Here, based on the largest-ever sample of over 2000 well-sampled... -
Outer Galactic disk A and F stars space motions
A and F stars can be used as probes of outer Galactic disk kinematics: here we extend the work of Harris et al. (2018, Cat. J/MNRAS/475/1680) by crossmatching their A/F sample... -
ALHAMBRA fields type-I AGN with ELDAR
We present ELDAR, a new method that exploits the potential of medium- and narrow-band filter surveys to securely identify active galactic nuclei (AGN) and determine their... -
Faint emission lines in M16, M20, NGC 3603
We present deep echelle spectrophotometry of the Galactic HII regions M16, M20 and NGC 3603. The data have been taken with the Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle... -
Integrated Spectra of Open Clusters
We present a library of 39 open cluster optical/near-IR integrated spectra. The data were obtained at CASLEO (San Juan, Argentina) and LNA (Itajuba, Brazil). Eight additional... -
Classification of Late Type Stars
Energy distributions for 33 galactic (super)giants situated mostly in the southern Milky Way in the range from 4800 to 7700 Angstroems with an effective resolution of 10... -
Galaxy clusters in the SDSS-DR5
Recent large-scale galaxy spectroscopic surveys, such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), enable us to execute a systematic, relatively unbiased search for galaxy clusters.... -
Extragalactic globular clusters
This is a collection of line indices in the Lick system (and others) for a collection of Galactic, M31, M33 and other globular clusters plus bright and dwarf galaxies observed... -
SHARDS: GOODS-N spectrophotometry survey
We present the Survey for High-z Absorption Red and Dead Sources (SHARDS), an ESO/GTC Large Program carried out using the OSIRIS instrument on the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias... -
HST/WFC3 transit observation of GJ1214b
Capitalizing on the observational advantage offered by its tiny M dwarf host, we present Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) grism measurements of the transmission... -
Galactic anticenter PNe and oxygen abundance
We have obtained spectrophotometric observations of 41 anticenter planetary nebulae (PNe) located in the disk of the Milky Way. Electron temperatures and densities, as well as... -
Red supergiants in M31
Red supergiants (RSGs) are a short-lived stage in the evolution of moderately massive stars (10-25M_{sun}_), and as such their location in the H-R diagram provides an exacting... -
Spectrophotometry in NGC 5253
We present echelle spectrophotometry of the blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 5253 obtained with the VLT UVES. We have measured the intensities of a large number of permitted and... -
Stellar content of NGC 346
Using CCD UBV photometry and spectroscopy, we have investigated the stellar content of NGC 346, the brightest H II region in the SMC. Spectra of 42 stars confirm that 33 are of... -
CALSPEC: WFC3 infrared grism spectrophotometry
The collections of spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) CALSPEC database are augmented by 19 infrared (IR) SEDs from Wide Field Camera 3... -
Optical and ultraviolet photometry of SN 2012fr
Extensive optical and UltraViolet (UV) observations of the type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2012fr are presented in this paper. It has a relatively high luminosity, with an absolute...