Svensk-finsk ordlista: disputationsord
Swedish - Finnish glossary of words relating to disputations. Published in Kieliviesti 2/2011. Contains approximately 60 words. 2011. Swedish - Finnish glossary of words... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: utmätnings- och konkursord
Swedish-Finnish glossary containing attachment, sale, and liquidation words. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2007. Contains approximately 160 entries. 2007. Swedish-Finnish... -
SweDia 2000 forskningsdatabas
The material was collected in two databases- one for research and one for the general public. The Research Database will be available to researchers in linguistics, Scandinavian... -
Dramawebben started in 2006 as a project at Nationella dramaturgiatet. The aim of the project was to make copyright free Swedish drama written by women freely available. The... -
RWAAI: Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage
The Repository and Workspace for Austroasiatic Intangible Heritage (RWAAI) is a digital multimedia resource dedicated to the maintenance of research materials documenting the... -
Svensk text
Swedish text resources (e.g., names of men, women, cities, municipalities, Swedish government agencies) for simple and efficient computer processing. Samling med språkresurser... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: utmätnings- och konkursord
Swedish-Finnish glossary containing attachment, sale, and liquidation words. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2007. Contains approximately 160 entries. 2007. Swedish-Finnish... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: disputationsord
Swedish - Finnish glossary of words relating to disputations. Published in Kieliviesti 2/2011. Contains approximately 60 words. 2011. Swedish - Finnish glossary of words... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: grönsaker i grönsakslandet
Swedish - Finnish glossary with words for vegetables in cultivation. Contains approximately 50 entries. Published in Kieliviesti 2/2009. 2009. Swedish - Finnish glossary with... -
Svenska språknämndens tidskrift: Språkvård
Språkvård (language cultivation) is a periodical that was published between 1964 and 2007 by Svenska Språknämnden, predecessor of the Language Council of Sweden. Final issue was... -
Kommunal informationsverksamhet 1979
The purpose of this survey was to illustrate the information activities of the Swedish municipalities during a period of increasing need for local information, due to the... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1983
This dataset is the result of the first step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1985
This dataset is the result of the second step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish... -
Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund, panel 1983-1985
During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish Telecommunications Administration (Televerket) put trial networks for cable television into operation in Lund. One of the reasons that Lund... -
Longitudinell undersökning av vissa språkfärdigheter hos barn mellan 4 och 10 år
The aim of the project was to supplement Swedish child language research by studying several aspects in a fairly large number of children of the same age over a period of some... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1996
Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh... -
Svensk valundersökning 2002
This is the fifteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Tre berättelser på kagulu, ett bantuspråk från Tanzania_2
The study comprises five stories told in the Bantu language Kagulu of Tanzania. The stories are available as sound recordings as well as glossed transcriptions. However, the... -
Dokumentation av det centralafrikanska bantuspråket mpiemo (A86c)
The overall aim of the study has been to document and preserve the minority language Mpiemo as well as to analyse it from a linguistic perspective. The language is spoken in...