Magnetic order and low-energy fluctuations in a frustrated square lattice qua...
This proposal is part of our research programme to investigate quantum magnets on frustrated lattices in search for novel types of magnetic order and spin dynamics. Here we... -
The search for long range exchange interactions in the S=1 square lattice ant...
Exchange interactions in insulators can be understood in terms of the Andersen exchange picture in which the Hamiltonian has two contributions: (i) a kinetic term characterized... -
High pressure tests
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Interaction of Chiral Amino Acids and Sugars with Hydrated Vermiculite Clay
This proposal aims to provide an atomistic understanding of the adsorption of chiral amino acids and sugars on mineral surfaces using isotopically labelled reagents. Our... -
The structure of metal-ammonia Ogg glasses
In this application we will conduct the first detailed study of the structure of glassy metal-ammonia systems ? so-called Ogg glasses, named after the person who first proposed... -
Interaction of the counteracting osmolytes TMAO and urea in aqueous solutions
TMAO is a naturally occurring protecting osmolyte which stabilizes proteins and influences intermolecular interactions. Like some other osmolytes it counteracts the effects of... -
Oxidation of bilayer of labelled DPPC by aqueous hydroxyl radical elucidati...
Oxidation of atmospheric aerosol can produce cloud condensation nuclei capable of changing the reflectivity and lifetime of clouds. The oxidation of organic film on atmospheric... -
Investigation of the Negative Thermal Expansion in (Sr,Ca)FeO2 with FeO4 squa...
SrFeO2 bears a square planar oxygen coordination around Fe2+. The rarity of this structure led us to study the substitution of strontium by calcium and we obtained the solid... -
Ancient Orichalcum ingots: simultaneous neutron diffraction and neutron reson...
We propose simultaneous neutron measurements on the INES beamline aiming to characterize the composition in terms of phases and elements of a large set of ancient orichalcum... -
Is H-bonding the source of large heats of fusion in guanidinium based thermal...
The organic salt guanidinium mesylate [Gdm][CH3SO3] is a promising phase change material for thermal energy storage applications. It has melting point Tm = 208 °C, and... -
Structures of Gel Precursors of Nanoporous Materials
Our aim is to examine the structures of disordered gel precursors to nanoporous zeolites that are formed in the early stages of hydrothermal reactions. They are considered to be... -
Gold and Silver fire gilding of copper/bronze objects
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muSR in S=1/2 frustrated magnets on a square lattice
We plan to study by means of zero and longitudinal field muSR the static and dynamic magnetic properties of SrZnVO(PO4)2, a prototype of the S=1/2 J1-J2 model on a square... -
Magnetic properties of photomagnetic molecular square complexes
This experiment aims at studying the magnetic behaviour of the molecular square complex {[Fe{B(pz)_4}(CN)_3]_2[Co(bik)_2]_2}(ClO_4)_2 . 3H_2O [B(pz)_4 = tetrapyrazolylborate,... -
Solvation structure of sodium ions and hexa-fluorophosphate ions in organic c...
Here we propose to study the local structure of sodium in standard organic carbonate electrolytes for sodium ion batteries. Three different electrolytes are chosen to study; a... -
Nature of non-magnetic ground state of In2Ru2O7 probed by muon spin rotation
Complex ruthenium oxides offer a variety of exotic electronic states, such as spin-triplet superconductivity, metal-insulator transition and spin-orbital ordering. We discovered... -
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of of the Jahn-Teller transition in LaMnO3
The parent compound LaMnO3 of the hole-doped colossal magnetoresistance materials La1-xAxMnO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba etc.) has attracted much interest from condensed matter scientists.... -
Proving ground-state ordering in Artificial Spin-Ice systems formed by sub-10...
The main purpose of the experiment proposed here is to study the effects of thermalisation on Artificial Spin-Ice (ASI) systems formed by nanomagnets with sub-100 nm lateral... -
A PDF investigation of synthetic Georgite - a new, high activity catalyst
Synthetic Georgite has shown high catalytic activity for a number of catalytic processes including methanol synthesis and the water gas shift reaction. Consequently, it is of... -
Topotactically reduced phases containing square planar Co(II) centres
The topotactic reduction of Sr3Co2O5Cl2 and Sr3Co2O5.80 yields the Co(II) phases Sr3Co2O4Cl2 and Sr3Co2O5 respectively. These phases contain corner linked arrays of...