Application of concentration and 2-dimensional stable isotope measurements of...
Methane (CH4) emissions from aquatic systems have recently been comprised to account for up to 50 % of global CH4 emissions, with lakes representing one of the largest CH4... -
Calcium carbonate and water pyrolysis measurements suggest minor adjustment t...
Data that supports the findings of the pyrolysis experiments of water and calcium carbonate references to realise a direct relation between the d18O VPDB and d18O VSMOW-SLAP scale. -
Stable isotope signatures of littoral invertebrates and fish in Lake Constance
This data set is analysed in Sabel et al (2024) : Effects of oligotrophication and Dreissena littoral-pelagic coupling on littoral invertebrate and fish communities: insights... -
A matter of size and season: insights into planktonic food-web dynamics in a ...
We report stable isotopes data, size measurements and environmental parameters for plankton collected between 2017 to 2019 in the Eastern English Channel and North Sea. -
Replication data for: Cone yield, ring-width and isotopic records for the ana...
A long-term dataset (ca. 60 years; 1960-2016) of reproduction, ring-width and stable isotopes (C and O) of five productive stands of Pinus pinea from the Spanish central Plateau... -
Stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in fauna sampled at the Vestbrona Carbona...
This dataset contains stable isotope ratios of C, N and S in several macrofaunal taxa sampled at the Vestbrona carbonate field, a methane seep are off the coast of Norway. All... -
Supporting Data for: Variations in deep-sea methane seepage linked to millenn...
This dataset contains oxygen and carbon stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) data, percentage of planktic and benthic foraminiferal species, and bottom water temperatures calculated... -
Bivalve multi-decadal (1981-2021) records of carbon and nitrogen elemental an...
Bivalves carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic ratios (δ13C, δ15N, C and N%, C:N) times series (1981-2021) from 33 sites in France. Bivalve species are the Pacific oyster... -
Dataset to: Sourcing and Long-Range Transport of Particulate Organic Matter i...
The data package encompasses field data of clastic and organic sediment, river width and flow velocities of six river transects along the Rio Bermejo, Argentina. The laboratory... -
Speleothems and palaeoclimate variability in western Iberia during the Last G...
Large-scale and abrupt climate oscillations in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Heinrich Stadials and Dansgaard-Oeschger events, during the last glacial period have long been... -
Building robust age models for speleothems – a case-study using coeval twin s...
We use the uranium-series (U-Th) dating method to investigate the accuracy of a relative chronology based on laminae correlation between a pair of coeval twin stalagmites and... -
Dataset on zooarchaeological records of Estonian medieval and early modern ma...
This dataset contains data collected during the analyses of archaeological mammal remains from 37 medieval and early modern sites in Estonia. The dataset consists of four... -
Application of concentration and 2-dimensional stable isotope measurements of...
Methane (CH4) emissions from aquatic systems have recently been comprised to account for up to 50 % of global CH4 emissions, with lakes representing one of the largest CH4... -
Jena Experiment subsoil C N
This dataset has no description
Seasonal variation of isotopic ratio and biochemical content for 22 Mediterra...
This dataset gathers isotopic ratios (δ13C and δ15N), elemental composition (%C and %N) and biochemical content (insoluble and soluble carbohydrates, lipids, protein and ash)... -
Increased water-use efficiency and reduced CO₂ uptake by plants during drough...
This zip file contains 7 individual CSV files with annual mean numbers for Net Ecosystem Exchange (units of PgC/yr), and discrimination for δ¹³C of vegetation (units of ‰).... -
Replication Data for: Stable isotope data (15N and 13C) for aquatic food chai...
Here we present stable isotope and count data from a food-chain experiment consisting of a diatom (Synedra sp), its chytrid parasite (Zygorhizidium planktonicum f. sp.... -
Isotopic ratios of fish sampled around Mediterranean artificial reefs
This dataset gather replicated measurement of isotopic ratios measured for 32 fish species sampled in summer and winter 2010 around artificial reefs deployed in the Prado Bay in... -
Diversity, abundance, environmental conditions and stable isotopes within new...
Three vent fields (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Snake Pit) of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge have been studied during six cruises between 2012 and 2016 on three different research vessels... -
Using claws to compare reproduction, stress, and diet of female bearded and r...
Rapid climate warming is decreasing sea ice thickness, extent, and duration. Marine mammals such as bearded (Erignathus barbatus) and ringed (Pusa hispida) seals, which use sea...