220 datasets found

Keywords: stellar atmospheres

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  • Population Synthesis Models at very low metallicities

    Using new sets of stellar evolution models at very low metallicities (Z=10^-7^; 10^-5^) and previously published grids we examine spectral properties of the ionising continua,...
  • Lithium abundances of F-K stars

    An extensive profile-fitting analysis was performed for the Li(+Fe) 6707-6708{AA} feature of nearby 160 F-K dwarfs/subgiants (including 27 planet-host stars) in the Galactic...
  • Atmospheric parameters of nearby F-K stars

    Based on a collection of high-dispersion spectra obtained at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, the atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, vt, and [Fe/H]) of 160 mid-F through...
  • Coronal hole parameters

    Coronal holes are usually defined as dark structures seen in the extreme ultraviolet and X-ray spectrum which are generally associated with open magnetic fields. Deriving...
  • CHEOPS limb and gravity-darkening coefficients

    The goal of this Research Note is to provide the theoretical calculations of the limb-darkening coefficients (LDC) and gravity-darkening coefficients (GDC) for the space mission...
  • Atmospheric parameters for 771 stars

    A number of spectroscopic surveys have been carried out or are planned to study the origin of the Milky Way. Their exploitation requires reliable automated methods and softwares...
  • Planetary systems study with GALAH surveys

    Pioneering photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic surveys is helping exoplanetary scientists better constrain the fundamental properties of stars within our galaxy and the...
  • Element abundances study of Cepheids

    Radial abundance gradients provide sound constraints for chemo-dynamical models of galaxies. Azimuthal variations of abundance ratios are solid diagnostics to understand their...
  • Main sequence magnetic stars properties

    We reconsidered the previous studies of properties of magnetic stars based on the latest data on average surface magnetic fields of 177 stars. New, corrected results have been...
  • Fundamental parameters of CP stars

    The paper presents the results of determination of fundamental parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, luminosity, mass, radius, rotation velocity, and radial...
  • Stellar surface inform. from CaII H&K lines

    In our former paper I (Cretignier et al., 2024MNRAS.527.2940C, Cat. J/MNRAS/527/2940), we showed on the Sun that different active regions possess unique intensity profiles on...
  • The extended MILES library

    Extragalactic astronomy and stellar astrophysics are intrinsically related. In fact, the determination of important galaxy properties such as stellar masses, star formation...
  • Luminosities of 34 slowly pulsating B stars

    We provide three statistical model prescriptions for the bolometric corrections appropriate for B-type stars as a function of (i) T_eff_, (ii) T_eff_ and logg, and (iii) T_eff_,...
  • Synthetic stellar spectra in SPS models

    Stellar population synthesis (SPS) models are invaluable to study star clusters and galaxies. They provide means to extract stellar masses, stellar ages, star formation...
  • A bright star sample observed with SOPHIE

    With the aim of probing the properties of the bright end of the Pristine survey and its effectiveness in selecting metal-poor stars, we selected a sample of bright candidate...
  • Composition of eclipsing close binary systems

    A spectroscopic study was carried out on the surface chemical abundances of CNO and several heavier elements in the primary and secondary components of five eclipsing close...
  • Full Evolutionary Sequences of Massive WDs

    We explore the evolution of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-deficient white dwarf stars with masses between 1.012 and 1.307M_{sun}, and initial metallicity of Z=0.02. These sequences...
  • ExoMol line lists for formaldehyde H_2_CO

    A computed line list for formaldehyde, H_2_^12^C^16^O, applicable to temperatures up to T=1500K is presented. An empirical potential energy and ab initio dipole moment surfaces...
  • WASP-31b:HST/Spitzer transmission spectral survey

    We present Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-IR transmission spectra of the transiting hot-Jupiter WASP-31b. The spectrum covers 0.3-1.7 {mu}m at a resolution R~70, which...
  • ExoMol line lists for phosphine (PH_3_)

    A comprehensive hot line list is calculated for ^31^PH_3_ in its ground electronic state. This line list, called SAlTY, contains almost 16.8 billion transitions between 7.5...
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