Nonfluorous Cosurfactant/Hyperbranched Surfactant Mixtures for W/CO2 Microemu...
This proposal aims to explore cheap and environmental-benign cosurfactants (or cosolvents) for yielding CO2-philic hydrocarbon surfactant/water/CO2 microemulsions (W/CO2... -
Dispersed lamellar phases in dense CO2
This proposal aims to explore these dispersed lamellar phases with a variety of F7H4 derivatives,to help understand their formation in supercritical CO2 (sc-CO2). The focus is... -
Viscosity modifiers for CO2
There is a well-documented track record of research into water-in-CO2 (w/c) microemulsions. Using newly discovered CO2 compatible surfactants, the next step is to explore... -
Polymer-induced critical pase separation
This proposal concerns a novel approach to phase separation in self-assembling colloidal systems. Microemulsions can be readily formulated to display critical-type phase... -
The structure of nanographene and nanographite intercalates in solution
We aim use SANS to study in situ structure of solutions of uncharged and charged graphene formed by dissolving graphite and graphite intercalation compounds. We wish to compare...