Analysis of KTG core, Katingan, Central Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Soluble sugar and starch content in eelgrass leaves and root-rhizomes measure...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of Z.... -
Eelgrass biomass (dry weight) distribution measured through a multi-factorial...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of Z.... -
Eelgrass shoot density measured through a multi-factorial in situ experiment ...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of shading and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of Zostera marina L. shoot density. Shoot density was evaluated using... -
Biomass (dry weight) of epiphytic microalgae measured through a multi-factori...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Eelgrass biomass (dry weight) measured through a multi-factorial in situ expe...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Abundances of intertidal macro-species measured through a multi-factorial in ...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Relative eelgrass leaf elongation and microalgal epiphyte load on eelgrass le...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Macro-species taxonomy measured through a multi-factorial in situ experiment ...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of... -
Abundances of intertidal macro-species measured through a multi-factorial in ...
We evaluated single and interactive effects of density reduction of Zostera marina L., a habitat-forming species, shading, and sediment nutrient enrichment on the response of...