Characterisation of the gamma prime precipitate distribution in an advanced N...
The excellent high temperature properties of Ni-base superalloys are derived from the presence of fine precipitates of the intermetallic Ni3Al phase, termed gamma prime. The... -
Stochastic vs. Intermolecular Motions in Strongly Associated Liquids: The Cas...
Neutron scattering is a powerful technique to study stochastic motions in liquids but it requires an energy resolution well below the meV range. As a consequence, quasielastic... -
Degenerate ground-states in Ho2-xYxSn2O7
Ho2-xYxSn2O7 is characterized by degenerate magnetic ground-states, which involve the magnetic structure for x->0 (Spin-Ice phase) and the two-fold degeneracy of the... -
Switchable adhesion between oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: dependence o...
Tuning the interactions between different surfaces has technological benefits in areas such as adhesion, compatibilisation and nano-actuators. We shall study the interaction... -
The possibility of strongly ferromagnetic austenite in a stainless steel
It is generally accepted that austenitic steels (fcc) show no ferromagnetic signature. However, thermomagnetic measurements suggest an unexpected ferromagnetic transition (Tc =... -
Probing the interplay between charge density wave and superconductivity in st...
We propose to study PdxIrTe2, which evolves from a charge-orbital density wave state to a superconducting state with doping. It has a similar structural motif, doping-dependent... -
Superconductivity induced changes in the ferromangetic order of Y(1-x)PrxBa2C...
By polarized neutron reflectometry we want to investigate the magnetic field profile in Y(1-x)PrxBa2Cu3O7/La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO3 high-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet superlattices. In... -
Low temperarature structure of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2
This proposal aims to exploit the superior flux on the upgraded HRPD coupled with the intrinsic high resolution to examine the differences between a sample of Sr2CoO2Cu1.85S2... -
Ozonation of organic films at the air-water interface of atmospheric aerosol
The Earth¿s climate is strongly influenced by atmospheric aerosols. Organic surfactant films on these aerosols influences their size, optical properties and ability to act as...