Effect of drug on the micelles formed by ionic surfactants
The aim of the study is to use SANS in combination with contrast variation to determine the effect of solubilising the lipophilic drug, testosterone propionate, in micelles... -
Surfactant mixing at hydrophilic solid/aqueous interfaces
By applying the regular solution model (RS) to the determination of composition in a mixed surfactant layer adsorbed at a hydrophilic solid/aqueous interfaceand combining it... -
Effect of surfactant head group on micelle structure of drug containing micelles
The aim of the current project is to probe (at the nanometer length scale) the relationship between the solution structures of a surfactant molecule, the aggregate(s) it forms... -
Short range order in ferroelectric deuterated triglycine sulphate
We want to better understand the structural modifications and short-range correlations in ferroelectric triglycine sulphate near the ferroelectric phase transition. Above the... -
Can surfactants be pushed out of polymer layers by applying compression?
For many applications such as paints, foods and drug formulations, aggregation of colloidal particles is prevented by combining polymer and surfactant adsorption. Key to this... -
Surfactant mixing at hydrophilic solid/liquid interfaces: (A) air/water measu...
The overall objective is to model the amount and composition of adsorbed mixtures of three types of zwitterionic surfactant and two charged surfactants at the silica/water... -
The Grüneisen and Anderson-Grüneisen parameters of mirabilite (Na2SO4.10D2O)
Sodium sulfate decahydrate (mirabilite) may be an important rock-forming mineral in the outer solar system, comprising a large fraction of the mantles of Jupiter's icy moons; it... -
Nanoemulsions for dermatological drug delivery
Nanoemulsions have considerable potential for dermatological drug delivery. Small angle neutron scattering in combination with contrast variation will be used to characterize... -
Interactions between a polymer brush grown from a macro-initiator-modified sa...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of the weak polyelectrolyte, poly(dimethy amino ethyl methacrylate), grown from two different surface densities of initiator... -
Surfactant mixing at hydrophilic solid/liquid interfaces: (B) Solid/liquid me...
The overall objective is to model the amount and composition of adsorbed mixtures of three types of zwitterionic surfactant and two charged surfactants at the silica/water... -
Probing Ion Binding to Micelles ¿ Investigating the Hofmeister Series
This proposal continues our research on ion binding to surfactant micelles. Our recent work demonstrates that the details of water structure around micelles are now accessible... -
Short range order in triglycine sulphate above the phase transition temperature
We want to better understand the intermolecular interactions in deuterated triglycine sulphate (DTGS). DTGS is a hydrogen bonded ferroelectric with a second-order, order... -
INS studies of copper sulphate pentahydrate - two birds with one stone.
Copper sulphate pentahydrate is one of the iconic substances of chemistry. The characteristic dark blue colour is the result of the water present: four molecules are coordinated...