Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Investigations at the Epigravettian site of Barmaky in...
Known since 1981 and investigated in several campaigns between 1982 and 2007, the site of Barmaky in north-west Ukraine has recently been the subject of renewed investigations... -
Korpus - Wikinews
Corpus with texts on various topics from the world and technology. -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/1
Raziskava je namenjena izvedbi zoženega nabora vprašanj SJM, zlasti vprašanj iz serije Politbarometer, sicer pa je poudarek na stališčih in vrednotah v zvezi z znanostjo in... -
Carolus Battus: Het Secreet-boek Vol Heerlijke Konsten (1694)
Het Secreet-boek Vol Heerlijke Konsten; Als van De Hooftstoffen in elks gebruik, van de Gebreken, Siekten en Qualen der Menschen; van Tamme en Wilde Dieren, van Visschen en... -
The dataset comprises diverse sources collected across four research papers within a PhD thesis dissertation context. It includes: Transcripts of Interviews: These transcripts... -
Flèches de pouvoir à l'aube de la métallurgie de la Bretagne au Danemark (250...
Résumé Cette thèse porte sur les pointes de flèches découvertes dans les tombes de la fin du Néolithique et de l’âge du Bronze ancien (2500-1700 av. n. è.) dans le Massif... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1989 - CV'89
Conditions for shorter working hours: income versus leisure / working conditions, quality of job / doing volunteer work / satisfaction with social position / leisure activities,... -
Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1992 - CV'92
Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of the Dutch population. The survey contains questions about (actual) political topics, many aspects of values and... -
Brede maatschappelijke discussie 1983 : Keuze-enquête
Polling the opinions of the Dutch population on the nations future energy policy, the use of nuclear power in particular. Non-professional activities / political interest,... -
Ervaringen van gebruikers met automatisering in de dienstensector 1985
Evaluation of impact of automation in service industries. Involvement with introduction of automation / additional skills / changes in work, working conditions, employment /... -
Inwoners enquete Eindhoven 2000 - VSO
Survey among the inhabitants of Eindhoven Inner city of Eindhoven / technology items / green space / leisure / participation Background variables: basic characteristics/... -
Technologie en samenleving 1975 : De toepassing van kernenergie
Attitude towards the use of nuclear energy / communication patterns / information / attitude to economic growth, to technological developments, social developments, scientific... -
ICT in het dagelijks leven van bewoners in Kenniswijk, 2003 : Nulmeting
This is a preliminary description: Survey of Kenniswijk ( designated regions in the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Helmond), aimed at describing the use of information- and... -
Kabel tv Amsterdam 1975
Read leaflet on cable-tv / tv at home / radio at home with fm reception / reception of tv signals, radio / own aerial or collective / money spent last year on aerial / opinion... -
Stadspeiling Amersfoort 1999 - VSO
Assessment of quality of neighbourhood, inconveniences, crime, traffic safety / advertisements or public places / choice of primary school for r's child / visits to,... -
Automatisering in de verpleging 1987
Introduction of computerization in general and academic hospitals and its effects on nursing staff. Number of years working as a nurse / professional education and training / if... -
Genetische manipulatie : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Publieksonderzoek technologische vernieuwingen, 1985
Measuring attitudes of the Dutch population towards technological innovations. Attitude towards, knowledge of, information ( channels used ) about technology in general and its... -
Beeld van en houding tegenover techniek van tweede klas leerlingen in het AVO...
Investigating of the image of, and attitude towards technology of second grade pupils in general secondary education. Engineering and technology: interest in / sex... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen 2001
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether respondent and parents were born in the Netherlands / occupation, ever had paid work, type of work / education /...