Enzyme-catalysed templating of biosilica
Summary. Silicatein in marine sponges catalyses the condensation of silica but the mechanism of layer-by-layer growth of the silica spicule is unknown since sufficient... -
Chain Length Dependent Diffusion of Room Temperature Ionic Liquid in Bulk and...
The proposed research aims to probe the effects of alkyl chain length on the dynamics of a room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) in bulk and in confinement in nano porous carbon... -
Effect of calcium ions and ionic strength on model bilayer structure
Calcium ions have been shown in a preliminary experiment to have a dramatic effect on the thickness and structure of free supported bilayer films. In this proposal we... -
Floating Bilayers Deposited on Au / Fe Surfaces
There is currly great interest in the use of neutron reflection to study model bilayers. We have produced a model membrane system that is strongly associated with the substrate,... -
Head Group charging and anaesthetic Interaction with Model Bilayers
The mechanism of general anaesthetic action is poorly understood despite their widespread use. It is hoped that investigating the interaction of anaesthetics with lipid bilayers... -
Interaction between RNA and lipid monolayers
The objective of the suggested study is to reveal the structure formed when short ssRNA molecules (similar to miRNA) interact with lipid monolayers at the air-water interface....