WikiWarsDE Corpus
The WikiWarsDE corpus is a German corpus containing Wikipedia articles with annotations of temporal expressions. Its creation was motivated by the English WikiWars corpus (Mazur... -
Liner2 temporal expressions model
Liner2 model for temporal expression recognition and normalisation -
KPWr annotation guidelines - normalisation of temporal expressions
KPWr annotation guidelines - local and global normalisation of temporal expressions -
Generic framework for information extraction tasks, including recognition of named entities, temporal expressions, spatial expressions and events. -
KPWr annotation guidelines - temporal expressions
Temporal expressions annotation guidelines describing the process of manual annotation of documents in Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr) -
TimeAssign is a program which recognizes temporal expressions and assigns TimeML labels to words in Polish text using a Bi-LSTM based neural net and wordform embeddings. -
Liner2.5 model Timex
A model for Liner2 to recognize and normalize temporal expressions. -
Bulhakov - corpus of events, temporal expressions and temporal relations
The corpus contains the text of the short story "Fatalne jaja" by Michaił Bułhakov (http:// www.wolnelektury.pl). The corpus is manually annotated with temporal expressions,...