Thésaurus d'Agroécologie
Le thésaurus Agroécologie contient 556 concepts relatifs aux pratiques, aux enjeux et aux formes d’agriculture relevant de l’agroécologie. La langue du thésaurus est le... -
Word combination lexicons
10 lexicons comprising of several hundreds word combinations exhibiting various stages of lexicalisation (from free word combinations to fixed idioms) manually annotated by many... -
Lexical database of Slovene PR terminology TERMIS
TERMIS is a terminology database with 2,000 entries from the field of public relations. The terms in Slovene are explained and translated into English, with typical context... -
Military dictionary by students of defence studies
The military dictionary by students of defense sciences was created during the course Slovenian language and Slovenian military idioms (2012/13 and 2013/14) at the Faculty of... -
Terminological dictionary of electronic smoking
The terminological dictionary of electronic smoking is a result of the master thesis Terminology in the Field of Electronic Smoking from 2019. The collection consists of... -
Corpus of term-annotated texts RSDO5 1.1
The RSDO5 corpus was compiled in order to serve as a training set for automatic term identification. It consists of 12 texts with 250,000 words and almost 38,000 manually... -
Terminological multiword expressions lexicon
The Terminological Multiword Expressions Lexicon contains multiword terms extracted from various terminological sources. The entries were lemmatized and tagged according to the... -
TermFrame: Terms, definitions and semantic annotations for karstology
The resource contains several datasets containing domain-specific data in three languages, English, Slovenian and Croatian, which can be used for various knowledge extraction or... -
Corpus of Academic Slovene (BSc/BA theses) KAS-dipl 1.0
The KAS-dipl corpus of Slovene BSc/BA theses consists of almost 65,000 texts (3,5 million pages or 1,1 billion tokens) written 2000 - 2018 and gathered from the digital... -
English-Slovene term candidates KAS-biterm 1.0
KAS-biterm is an automatically generated glossary of English terms with their translations into Slovene. The pairs, possibly with their English and Slovene acronyms, were... -
DigiLing e-Learning Hub: e-Courses for Digital Linguistics
The files represent exported e-learning resources created within the DigiLing project, www.digiling.eu. We have identified seven core subjects in Digital Linguistics and built... -
Terminology identification dataset KAS-term 1.0
The dataset contains 22,950 term candidates extracted from 15 Slovenian PhD theses. The term candidates are of length 1 to 4, extracted via morphosyntactic patterns and the... -
Terminological dictionary of tax terminology
The Tax Terminology Dictionary is the first Slovenian terminology dictionary with definitions from the field of taxes and contains 972 entries with 993 English and 942 Croatian... -
Slovenian-English glossary of education
The glossary, which contains 1028 dictionary entries, is a terminological collection of Slovenian terms with English equivalents in the field of education. The collection was... -
Corpus of term-annotated texts RSDO5 1.0
The RSDO5 corpus was compiled in order to serve as a training set for automatic term identification. It consists of 12 texts with 250,000 words and almost 38,000 manually... -
Bilingual terminology extraction dataset KAS-biterm 1.0
The KAS-biterm bilingual term extraction dataset contains complete sentences selected from PhD theses from the KAS corpus of Slovene academic writing. Only sentences that have a... -
Corpus of Academic Slovene (MSc/MA theses) KAS-mag 1.0
The KAS-mag corpus of Slovene MSc/MA theses consists of almost 16,000 texts (1,360 thousand pages or 500 million tokens) written 2000 - 2018 and gathered from the digital... -
Corpus of Academic Slovene (PhD theses) KAS-dr 1.0
The KAS-dr corpus of Slovene PhD theses consists of almost 1,600 texts (266 thousand pages or 100 million tokens) written 2000 - 2018 and gathered from the digital libraries of... -
Geographical Terminological Dictionary
The Geographical Terminological Dictionary contains 8,922 geographical terms and covers a total of nineteen geographical disciplines. It provides detailed definitions of terms,... -
Corpus of questions and answers of the Terminologišče terminological counsell...
Terminological counselling at the Terminologošče web site is a service intended for the expert public facing specific terminological naming problems. When elaborating...