Biomarker results from the eastern Fram Strait between 40 and 36.5 ka b2k
Here we present a biomarker dataset from marine sediment core MD99-2304, which was retrieved from the eastern Fram Strait (77°37'15.6N, 9°56'54E) with piston corer at 1348 m... -
(Tab 2) Salt-corrected He isotope, U/Th isotope, Calcium carbonate, biogenic ...
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(Tab 1) He isotope, U/Th isotope, Calcium carbonate, biogenic opal and rare e...
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Lipid biomarkers, siliceous microfossil assemblages, biogenic silica and carb...
We analysed IODP Expedition 341 Site U1417 to understand the palaeoceanography in the Gulf of Alaska across the Pliocene and early Pleistocene (4-1.7 Ma). The data submitted... -
Organic geochemical and foraminiferal MAT data for sediment core GeoB5901-2
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Organic geochemical and foraminiferal MAT data for ODP Hole 161-976A
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Pollen analysis of Site 175-1075 (part 1)
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Pollen analysis of Site 175-1075 (part 2)
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Spores and dinoflagellates of Site 175-1075
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U, Th and He isotope content, and accumulation rates of sediment core SO202-07-6
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Supplementary table 3: Helium isotope data of DSDP Site 48-401
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Soil-, fluvial-, plant- and marine derived organic carbon from surface sedime...
This dataset contains the bulk sediment parameters (total organic carbon (TOC), carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N), δ13C), lipid biomarker (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol... -
(Table 1) Helium isotope ratios of sediment core TT013_114
We present a helium isotope record for core TT013-114PC from the central equatorial Pacific (140°W, 4°N, 4432 m water depth) spanning a period of 1 million years. We focus on... -
Organic carbon (OC) content, nitrogen content, C/N ratio, carbonate content, ...
The grain size of sediments was determined with a Cilas 1180 laser-diffraction particle analyzer (range 0.04–2500 μm) and the mean grain size was calculated. The surface area... -
Results of palynological analysis of the MO-05 core section (249-526 cm) (Sup...
Number of counted palynomorphs is provided for each taxon in each analyzed sample. -
Palynology of sediment cores from site GS15-198-38
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Modern pollen assemblages from Yakutia, Russia
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Late Miocene and Pliocene dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs and terrestrial pa...
The globally warm climate of the early Pliocene gradually cooled from 4 million years ago, synchronous with decreasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In contrast,... -
(Table S1) Palynology of IODP Hole 302-M0004A
The Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum, 55 million years ago, was a brief period of widespread, extreme climatic warming (Zachos et al., 2003; Kennett and Stott, 1991,... -
LiDAR measurements in Nigardsbreen and Mjølverdalen during fall 2023
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