Low-dimensional glasses: Effect of occupational site disorder in the excess o...
The present scientific case concerns a glass-forming system with even less degrees of freedom, namely the occupational disorder of high-temperature phase (I, P21/c) of... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the metallic toroidal system UNi4B
There is considerable interest in understanding the magnetoelectric effect with the aim of developing technological applications. Until recently this has been limited to... -
Crystal structure analysis of new hyperkagome iridates
The interplay between electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling gives rise to a variety of exotic electronic states in 5d transition-metal oxides like iridates. One example... -
Investigation of Magnetic Structures in magnetoelectric multiferroic Gd0.5Dy0...
Ferroelectricity in type-II multiferroics is induced by breaking of inversion symmetry by certain type of spin structure below the magnetic ordering temperature. Therefore, a... -
Phonon dynamics in liquid gallium
We propose to measure the inelastic scattering S(Q,E) maps from gallium in its liquid phases across a wide range of temperatures. This proposal is based on a new prediction for... -
MAPS commissioning
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PNR of Magnetic Order in Delta-Doped Topological Insulators
We aim at studying proximity effects between a ferromagnetic thin film (either metallic or insulating) and a topological insulator (either undoped, or magnetically homogeneously... -
Effect of Variation in Initial Crystallographic Texture of Aluminum Alloys on...
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) improves the fatigue properties of new and damaged metallic components by introducing beneficial compressive stresses. The residual stress field that... -
Exploration of possible spin-charge ordered phases in La2-xBaxCoO4 (x=1/3 and...
This is a proposal to measure the magnetic spectrum of single crystal La2-xBaxCoO4 for the first time. The isostructural layered cobaltates with Sr and Ca instead of Ba have... -
Low-dimensional glasses: Effect of occupational site disorder in the excess o...
The present scientific case concerns a glass-forming system with even less degrees of freedom, namely the occupational disorder of high-temperature phase (I, P21/c) of... -
Investigation of zwitterionic surfactant, Ca2+ and bio-polymer interactions
We are currently investigating the formation and structure of surfactant-templated polymer films comprised of cat-anionic surfactant mixtures and a variety of polymers. As we... -
Mapping magnetic excitations in insulating phase of NaFe0.52Cu0.48As
Magnetism is believed to be linked to superconductivity in cuprates and iron pnictides. However while the parent compounds of cuprates are Mott insulators, the parent compounds... -
Di-chain sulfobetaine monolayers at the air-solution interface
Here we wish to continue our investigation of sulfobetaine surfactants in which the charges on the zwitterionic headgroup are reversed compared to those on zwitterionic... -
Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of the Fe19 High Spin Molecular Nanomagnet
Our recent WISH study of the low temperature longe range ordered magnetic structure of the Fe19 single molecule magnetic system with S=35/2 produced an easy spin axis that is at... -
Spin excitations in the paramagnetic phase of a charge-ordered bilayered mang...
In a previous experiment we measured the spin wave spectrum of the half-doped bilayer manganite Pr(Ca,Sr)2Mn2O7 in its spin, charge and orbital ordered phase. The data, which... -
How is the nanoscale structure of Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) impacted by the...
This experiment will determine how the structure and porosity of Amorphous Solid Water (ASW) changes when the ice is contaminated by adsorbate molecules. ASW is a porous... -
Lattice dynamics in the giant barocaloric Ammonium Sulfate
Given the challenges in providing efficient and non-harmful refrigeration, it is timely to study barocaloric systems, which offer cooling power via the application of pressure,... -
Neutron Diffraction study of Highly Frustrated SrEr2O4
We propose to measure the neutron diffraction pattern of a single crystal sample of SrEr2O4, using the WISH diffractometer. As the magnetic Er ions in this compound are linked... -
Probing the spin dynamics in the pseudo-quaternary Y1-xErxNi2B2C compounds
Our uSR measurements on superconducting Y1-xErxNi2B2C shows a slowing of the Er spin dynamics upon cooling to 2.5 K, but the depolarisation rate does not critically diverge and... -
In-situ tension and compression tests in plane strain
This proposal forms part of our larger study into the mechanics of nickel based alloys. In particular we are attempting to correlate the intergranular stress development in...